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[TW] TeamWushu - 武 Classification 術

Unified classification
Sometimes it is hard to describe the playstyle,
and you need to see a person at least once to have a clue
of what his playstyle is.

To solve this, we came up with a unified wushu classification,
which is coupled with a quite subjective ranking system which can show
you HOW a certain member plays wushu without needing to see him,
This can be helpful for duels and all kinds of other stuff.


example: T3_R_A_F_S

read as: tier 3, relax, agressive, far (ranged), style

T# - your current tier

~preferable joints state~

R - relax
H - hold
C - combined ( you use both. one or another depends on situation )

~preferable play style~
A - agressive
D - defensive

~preferable type of engagement~
F - (far) ranged (comeback, attack, retreat and all over again)
Q - close (main focus on combos)

~preferable movement style~
E - effective ( key feature of T1 )
S - style (show off)
G - general ( this is your play style unles you are T1-T2 )

Last edited by snake; Sep 23, 2012 at 12:49 PM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15