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Constructor a Physics Game
Found this awesome physics game called constructor.
very nerdy, but very awesome once you get to know it. Might not fall into everyone interest.

Sodaplay is a project by Soda Ltd. with support from NESTA. Sodaplay requires Java 1.5 or later, download it for free from (Additional icons by Silk Icons.)
This basically is a physics race game, but a nice goal to have is to construct something that moves at all, it is really hard to get something to work but its fun to experiment with stuff.

First you construct something with edges and vertexes (basically points and lines) and then you put muscles on the edges in a timeline to make them move (as seen above)
too complicated? here is it step by step.

1. go to constructor, right click to make points. When you make two points they will connect making a line. When you have many points it will make your creature/character/vehicle

2. go to select/move and attach muscles to your lines. after attaching a muscle you must drag it into the timeline at the bottom (the blue dot at the bottom left)

3. when you have the muscles on a timeline make adjustments to gravity/friction/stiffness etcetc to make it survive.

4. If your figure nerdspasms after that you might want to try again until you recieve satisfying results

5. If successfull press RUN and enjoy
Last edited by Ezeth; Mar 29, 2012 at 05:16 PM.