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Dev contact info? I am creating a similar game
I've been working on a 3d fighter since 2003. I don't wanna post a link on my very first post. I'm looking for contact information for the devs of this game: Maybe they want to hire or befriend me. We can help each other's game out.

For a while, I tried to get people to crowd source moves, but I had no way to balance the moves. My moves do not use physics, but rather it uses stock damage. So my crowd source idea was a fail as anyone could say,"This really fast jab deals 1,000,000 damage"

Still I have similar things in my game as my fighter collision detect can hit on the different body parts. If you strike the head or torso or pelvis you deal extra damage. I think Toribash is much more sophisticated in theory to use physics. It makes me think if I should even wire my game based on physics. It'd be good if Kinect2 came out and actually let you fight.

I wrote my networking code in a very sly way. It only updates things nearby as often as they could come in range and be hit by them. I did the math, it would support 1500 players in the same zone as long as each player had 640k upload bandwith. So maybe the devs would be interested in learning how I did this.

My next steps are going to be to make the other 9 fighters in the game. Then I will write menu system, and ladder system. The game I have is functional now, you can fight player vs player up to 10 at once. I think Toribash is more advanced than what I have, and while I could make my game like Toribash if I wanted, I'm gonna stick with the route I started with. Just try and get me in touch with the devs, my email is James_Sager5(a.T.symbol)