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NEW!: Main Clan Center (news, roster, fights)
With the old thread cluttered (that being an understatement) here is a fresh thread. New titles and events section in this post. Quick finds (hit CTRL+F and search for these sections) Quick information: The new titles mean the same as before. Overlords are leaders, Warlords are co-leaders, elders are council leaders, apostles are council members, and warriors are members. MIA, missing in action, is what inactive members will be referred to. A reminder PM will be sent to them; if no action is taken within 3 days, they are transferred to the Deserter list. Deserters are officially out of the clan, but they have 30 days to re-join without a test. Banished must take the test again.

1: Member List
2: Fights
3: Upcoming Events
4: Bank

1: Member List





Ragdollmaster - RDM, Ragdoll, Rag, Raggie
Wormguy - worm, WG, wormy
715379 - 715
C0XY - ?
shook - shook(y), shewk
iPingu - line, Pingu


MIA Fighters (Inactivity warning sent; three days to respond)

Deserters (Fighters with confirmed MIA; no response to warning. Thirty days to seek non-tested readmission)

Banished (Warriors who have not responded to desertion warning; must pass tests again, like any other non-clan member)

Current Army Size: 5 of 20
Reserve Army (Inactive): 1
Total Army Size: 6 of 20

2: Fights

There are no clan battles at the moment.

3: Events


May 23rd - Fusion Festival Day. Celebrating all the small things that have happened recently that re-sparked this clan, including my return (as well as shook's)

January 20th - Survival Day.A remembrance of all we lost during that interesting time.

November 30th - Fusion Memorial Day. It was on this day the fourth leader, Toritori9, responded to my merger PM. This marks the historic day RDM, sG, Phoenix, and Dark Brotherhood Fused to make the kick-awesome clan we have today.


Clan Brawl is coming up in October. We will be participating as over half the clan (10) have all voted to enter, and the 3 leaders approve.

4: Clan Bank

There are 5,000 Toricredits in the Fusion Bank.


2008-05-02: 6600 Toricredits in bank.
2008-05-18: 750 Toricredits sent to Warlord Sa1uk. 5850 Toricredits in the Fusion Bank.
2008-07-17: 0 TC all of a sudden D= I don't know what happened, but I opened up the Torishop and it said I had 0 TC. So I don't know if it's a glitch, I checked my history and it showed nothing out of the ordinary; may have to buy a booster soon and replenish our stores :/
2008-07-18: 5k back in the bank thanks to 715

5/23/08: Added FSN Memorial Day, and put two sub-sections to the events section.
5/23/08: I added a nickname list. That I could think of.
5/24/08: C0XY added as an Apostle.
7/11/08: PorcupineJim, sa1uk, Kraetyz, and AcidMan2007 all left.
7/12/08: AwesomeO and Coke left.
7/14/08: Velocity left. List of nicknames updated
7/14/08: Rather bad day because of a bad joke. Let's not talk about it, aye?
7/18/08: Shook and PhilDaRed2 are now Apostles, 715 is now co-leader and elder.
Last edited by Ragdollmaster; Dec 4, 2008 at 11:36 PM.
How to complain in style: GG, Mahulk.