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Coursework Week 1
Personal Style
Difficulty; Variant
Start - 17/03/2010

The first step to becoming a texturer is understanding what kind of texturer you are. You need to find your own little niche in the market.

You can either follow a short few steps to help guide you, or you can go into a meditative state on a pilgrammage for self worth... Either way is good.
(Personally, I actually did the second one..)

The steps:
Personal Touch-
- Reflect on your personal style for a second.. What key words would you use?
Preference -
- Compare this to what you like most, mix them up a bit.
Ability -
- What is your current level of texturing?
- If you don't get the result you want, remember you'll get better at it.
Originality -
- My best guess is someone has beaten you to it. The next step is to try and find some way of making it yours.
Naming your style -
- Now your style needs a name, don't be so boring to call it the same as you.
- If you succeed in making something popular, others will copy. Accept this.
- Pop, Grunge, Pumpkins, Elephantitis, Characature... Seriously anything, just make sure its descriptive.

Get a load of paper and write down everything you can about liking textures. Place this infront of you and close your eyes.. Try to imagine what the ultimate head for you would look like. If someone else has already made it, this is bad news! Just keep trying and changing it over and over.
Eventually you'll have a breakthrough and your style will teach itself.

How to post:
Write down a description of your style, how to make it, what it is and how its different from anyone else's.
Do not use other people's names as description. If you must, describe their style (eg. Mrama = Pop).
Last edited by Monobi; Mar 18, 2010 at 12:09 AM.
"Anything running perfectly is running like clockwork."