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Cocking with Rutz Vol.2

Giant Meatball Veggie Soup

Ohai there everybody, our retarded Chef has something VERY special for you today, the old fashioned Giant Meatball Veggie Soup.

Ingredients :

5-6 medium sized Potatoes
1 Kohlrabi ( Or cabbage Turnip...thats what my translator says :O )
300 grams ( bit more than half a pound ) of minced meat
1 Egg
1 Onion
1 piece of Leek ( wtf ? leek ? lol you guys got funny names for produce.. )
3 carrots
a few leaves of Basil
and because its not the time of the year, 1 frozen box of uh...greens.

Preparation :

First off, we put a pot of water onto the oven, adding just a wee bit of salt.

After that, we're gonna peel everything that needs peeling and take weird pictures afterwards. The peeling itself is propably the most boring work :/

Now, while the water is heating up, we cut the potatoes into pieces that are about an inch thick and wide..looks like this afterwards:

By now, the water in our pot SHOULD be boiling, if it doesnt..wait until it does. Toss potatoes into water as soon as its boiling.

We're doing the same thing with the Kohlrabi (Cabbage Turnip) and the Carrots, but try to cut them into different shapes to make the soup a bit more appealing. I usually go for stripes on the Kohlrabi, and rings for the carrots.


Time to oral insert another favorite ingredient.

MEAT !! MEAT !!! Here's everything you'll need for the meatballs, that need to be prepared now.

Le egg
Paprika Bells Powder (Spicy)
Basil here's what we do first, we put the meat into a large bowl and use one of these odd devices to cut the onion into tiny pieces.

Once thats done, we're forming a hole into the meat, where we put all the other ingredients, not to much salt can always add that to the soup later if it lacks taste.

I really love this next part, wash hands...and mix that gunk up with your bare hands, like real men do ! (This might feel really disgusting at first ) After a while, you'll notice that the egg and the breadcrumbs are doing there job and the whole stuff becomes more and more solid ( If it doesnt, add more breadcrumbs). Thats when you know you're done mixing. Its gonna look something like this when you're done.

This next part here is also fun, making the meatballs is fairly easy too.
What you do is, grab some of that massive meatcluster

and roll it between your palms until its round and has the size of a small golf ball...TADA !

obviously you do that until there's no meat left.

I'm well aware that not all of them have the same size >_>
Anyway...into the pot they go...and once thats done, we'll cut up the uh...leek...and toss it into the pot too ( The leek goes in last because it doesnt need as long as the other stuff to finish ) Cutting the leek is fairly easy btw..just slice it once alongside and then cut it INTO ( lil this is an edit..) rings, fastest and easiest way imo. Into the pot with it !

By now, you should be able to see the meatballs again..since they usually submerge at first...but by now they should come up again and greet you with their delicious meatyness.

Or not....they are still there though !

That is pretty much it, now you let that stuff boil for about 15-20 minutes, give it a taste every now and then..add salt ( or add some water if its to salty already, you can also add some veggie soup boilion if its not fruity enough) and bare witness the huge amount of awesome you just created. After said 15-20 go grab a spoon and a formidable eating device..and poor that crap in !!!

BON APPETIT...yea i know..i spilled while pouring ;_;
Last edited by Rutzor; Mar 11, 2010 at 02:33 AM.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic