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Registering moves
There's a lot of debate specially on wushu, if a move is "owned" by someone else. This only applies to openers created by someone higher belt, and then a lower belt either copying the opener, or accidentally doing something very similar.

My suggestion is that one could register moves after achieving black belt or higher. Registering moves would be done on a website with drop-down list for:
Mod that the move applies to
Turns the move takes (1-4 mostly)
First turn moves:
A drop-down list for all joints with options to contract, hold, extend or relax.
Second turn moves: same list again

and so on, so that one could input his/her move turn-by-turn into the site.
The move would then be rated by someone capable of doing it, and after acceptance of the judge, it would be registered to the player who took the effort of applying the move for him/herself.

Now on the game side, whenever the game detects the EXACT same series of moves within 1-4 turns, it would announce the move's name and the creator of the move ingame.
If someone by accident has created the exact same move, he/she would just be annoyed to know that it was already registered by someone else, and could not register it anymore.

I'm not sure what this would require, but I think having a bot on every official server would be needed to track the moves.