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Paranormal Activity
Paranormal Activity is supposed to be the scariest thing to hit our screens since The Exorcist. It is about a girl who has for some stupid reason been haunted by a demon for her whole life. She decides to move in with her boyfriend hoping his manlyness will scare the little bastard off. Unfortunatly for her the boyfriend [micah or somehting] seems interested in the demon and starts playing games with it [on a wiji board and such]. This enrages the demon to the point where the demon posses the girl and makes her walk downstairs and scream like a 7 day marathon of two and a half men was just announced. Micah [the boyfriend, keep up] Sprints downstairs and promtly joins in the screaming as we assume that his girlfriend stabs him [as the camera is still upstairs]. She then walks upstairs [covered in what i suppose is meant to be blood and proceeds to do a big cock-up of the fetel position. I want to know what you think of this latest development in movie maker, i mean horror history. Personally i think it is a shocker. I watched it with a friend at about 12:00 at night [we are 13] and as hard as it tried the movie failed to make us jump.
Paranormal Activity Audience reactions [audio only]:
Paranormal Activity Trailer:
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