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Training Course environments!

This is a challenging gymnastic training environment, where you have to go past climbing, jump climbing and trapezes to reach Uke. If the easiest version of this was too easy for you, you may want to try the harder ones.

About the versions... I have made the normal version, and three harder versions.
They are:

There is instagib floor.

You can't grab any objects.

There is instagib floor and you can't grab any objects.

I'll take suggestions about new courses, but if they are impossible to do, then I'll ignore them (who wouldn't?).
Game rules are already set.
There'll be more environments throughout the thread, so read the thread to get more environments. =p
If you run out of time, press t in the game and type there /sf [matchframes] . Write to the [matchframes] part to change your matchframes (example: You have 5 000 frames and you want 10 000 frames, so you'll write there: /sf 10 000 )(just in case that you didn't understand, I'm bad at telling D=< )



PS. Wootcha, I didn't forget the mods this time! *Proud* *Proud*
Last edited by Tonakai; Mar 26, 2008 at 02:16 PM.