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Appreciate Metal

Listen to that playlist. All songs. Don't chicken out halfway.

Now some of you may be saying, "I like this, cause of the beat, and the singer probobly took alot of time of his day, and his throat to be able to sing like that!", some are simply saying, "I don't like it, but I do like another type of music!". The rest are saying, "This is shit, they are signing like demons, and they probobly are going to hell.", which isn't true.

Metal, all the way to death metal, should be appreciated. I'm not saying you have to marry it, just saying don't be going around, telling everyone it sucks. Those people took just as much time as all the otherr bands, possibly more because of the work they had to do to make their voices be able to sound like that. I would know, because I can do that. It isn't easy, and you can easily hurt you vocal cords permanantly. For instance, avenged sevenfold's singer, used to be able to scream. Since he was constricting his throat when he screamed, he busted them. He got surgery, but had to make a decision: Keep screaming and permanent damage to your throat, or only do it a little, and try to sing regular. He made the right one to do it a little. But the fact that he is still doing this for us, should be appreciated. I'm sure all other metal bands would agree that they would do the same.

I used to be a rap/hip hop fan, hated metal; but only because that is what my friends and parents told me. My step-brother Jay-Jay(Jason), had a metallica disc (I think it was Master Of Puppets) at one of the family party's. I didn't know what it was, so I listened to it. I loved it. A couple years later, I was sure that I had anger issue's, but since I already had 4 disorders at the time(I have 7 now), I didn't want to tell anyone. You want to know how I havn't been expelled from 2 schools because of violence? Metal. It helped me let out my angry thoughts, and now I am a peer mediator at my school. So give metal a try. Remember, there are different types of metal, and different types of screaming. Some people just like different types. If you don't like any, just move on with your life. Thank you for reading. I am also posting this in the Discussion Thread.
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