Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
I'm awfully sorry guys but im leaving to join addicted, progress is looking pretty slow round here tbh. Pretty short term i know :/ On the bright side (for you lot) i signed that pesky pact of brotherhood a week after joining.. which was a pretty epic fail on my part haha. I'm a man of my word though so il send the 20k to andyson D:

Keep at it with the revo revival, im sure it'll pick up soon enough. I however am impatient and cant resist that invite! See ya around folks, best of luck
Youshop | Art
lame, who invites people who are already in a clan.

see ya.
On 18, 2008 of the year August, we shall have tea. The following day we eat anyone wearing purple clothes. Then we get into tanks, drive a mile away from each other, and start firing random shells into the air. First one to hit the other tank gets a 5 second head start in the 1 legged race.

In the one legged race, you will be hogtied and forced to compete in the Boston marathon using your penis only. We shall also set down bear traps, landmines, barbed wire, and floating thumbs. Your penis will be painted to resemble an illusion that looks like a 3-D steak; as a result, several Dobermen and Rottweilers we will be taking for a walk that morning which have been starved the previous week may attack.
OK sorry for the invasion, but He is right, when I joined everything was good.
when i left I started hearing Grumpy was starting to edit everyone's posts saying horrible stuff.And yes everyone in here started to fight and such its just makes me angry you guys were the best when I joined, you have to apologize to each other and fix everything before this clan dies.
BTW Grumpy don't you dare to edit cause I took a screen shot ):<
Last edited by OfRampage; Jan 27, 2009 at 12:32 AM.
Rampaging isnt the only thing im good at ;)
>>6th dan<<
sorry grumpy but hes right ever since you got administration everyone left
ever since you caused illusion to leave this clan went down
ok fine, no more post editing, but don't pin all the blame on me. and would you rather still have him here?
On 18, 2008 of the year August, we shall have tea. The following day we eat anyone wearing purple clothes. Then we get into tanks, drive a mile away from each other, and start firing random shells into the air. First one to hit the other tank gets a 5 second head start in the 1 legged race.

In the one legged race, you will be hogtied and forced to compete in the Boston marathon using your penis only. We shall also set down bear traps, landmines, barbed wire, and floating thumbs. Your penis will be painted to resemble an illusion that looks like a 3-D steak; as a result, several Dobermen and Rottweilers we will be taking for a walk that morning which have been starved the previous week may attack.