i'm back just came back from a long family reunion
hope I wasn't missed to much but I plan to be here everyday atleast for
4 hours or more
Joker Gang try to take us serious
We are renovating the clan and such if people don't understand whats been going on throughout yesterday and last night. Don't worry about anything being worse and if you don't like something or would have an idea we are all willing to hear about it and try to see what the best option for Tank is! If you do in fact have a suggestion let me know in a pm, here or in a DM on Discord! Tank you!
New Discord is looking pretty groovy now. Go to the clans page and join up mates!
Other one will be deleted in a few days.
New start buddies, we should really post a little more on here though. Gotta get my post fix.
Turning over a new leaf!
Yeah. Posting more is a great idea. Just gotta find people who are willing to do so and not think of it as a drag or hard work.
How would you think it is a drag? The satisfaction of a rising post count!!!.

I know it means nothing but it is still fun to increase it.
Turning over a new leaf!