Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Not really. It just shows how much time you've wasted on an online forum

and how much you've spammed

You do get usertitles for having a certain amount of posts, though.
here they are:
0 - 29 Posts - Junior Member
30 - 499 Posts - Member
500 - 1499 Posts - Senior Member
1500 - 2499 Posts - Forumite
2500 - 3499 Posts - ub3r
3500 - 4499 Posts - Raconteur
4500 - 5999 Posts - Chatterbox
6000 - 9000 Posts - Elitist
9001+ Posts - Flagrant Meme

Apathetic User
It really does matter, don't listen to these kiddos.
(jk, doesn't really matter but lul)

Is kind of interesting IMO to know who has the most posts and I found that I was in the Top 5 of people not including Toribot.
It just show's how forum active you are and can show whether or not those posts are spam or actually decent/relevant.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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