Originally Posted by Manitoda View Post
I am busy aswell. Gua juga lagi UN :V
But sure. I'm not forcing you.
But please do a modified tori head.
A 128x128 one.
Keep the color of the basic tori.
Or maybe do it amber and white to match the default tori set.
Yeah do that.

Ahh yeah it's that time of year again :V
Well UAS in my university gonna end soon so i could do it and gonna catch you up with it soon hopefully.
And as hec said i will probably make it in 512, but i'll send you both sizes.

Btw mikey you should get higher
Ahh you're right! maybe i should watch it 100 times with different accounts so i can give all the rates
I wanna watch action movies with crappy physics tho, they're hillarious
Originally Posted by Blackacezi View Post
What should i do in the weekend

War with us
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Originally Posted by ShhhMikes View Post
War with us

(AS) is on the rise and we need to keep #1
So if I wanted to apply as a casual member who'll join into wars from time to time that'd be cool with you Mike?
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