doesn't work this way in germany, it is mandatory to have insurance. Got a replacement Polo but have to stay in hospital until tomorrow. Police said it was the bus drivers fault (will go to court nonetheless), so he/his company has to pay for my hospital bills + damages + a car of equal value of the beetle (was 21k, 11 months old, prolly getting around 10-15k). I was really fucking lucky, only got centrifugal trauma, partial amnesia and a big scar from the seatbelt around my neck.




Got any problems or questions about computers or any other tech?Feel free to PM me any time. Lmod for Computer/Mobile Chat
dude you are so good to build pc you should build an antimatter shield around your beetle haha, glad you are ok man
no u

rip that sexy vw beetle
glad you're okay bro, at the very least the company will pay the compensation, and hey, you're alive
Wow, glad you're okay buddy. At least you didn't get any major injuries.
P137~ People who quote themselves are idiots