Remember guys we are doing these as a fun way to improve our in game skill. If you want to improve (as most of yall should want to) then you need to show imitative. We want our family to be the best in the game but to achieve that starts with each one of yall.


we are better than you
Shovels are definitely the best way to be n°1 again.
Start lifting guys
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
Guys, guys its not that serious <3 i love every single one of you , i hope yall love me too <3
This game is Dead
Originally Posted by FiddleJr View Post
Remember guys we are doing these as a fun way to improve our in game skill. If you want to improve (as most of yall should want to) then you need to show imitative. We want our family to be the best in the game but to achieve that starts with each one of yall.

You can take your opinions/help elsewhere now, talk about fucking "family"...I accept you back into our "family", give you a nice spot and you walk out. Don't call us "family" and don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk.
Don't call me your "friend" any more.

Any one who leaves wapow with out warning will be black listed from the clan and Blocked from our discord. Like I've said before it may not affect you any but it will be a plus for us.
Last edited by Mikes; Mar 25, 2017 at 05:22 AM.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
hey guys, would you like to do another war?
We could put some tc on the line to make it more interesting but I'd be up if you just want to do one for fun as well
i wish i could understand people who try to convince our Council
how hard they want join wapow and then just leave w/o any
explanation, loyal af
the best ukrainian in WAPOW©
Originally Posted by Fred View Post
hey guys, would you like to do another war?
We could put some tc on the line to make it more interesting but I'd be up if you just want to do one for fun as well

Well Fred. I'm sure we would love to war with obey again. Any time tomorrow or the next day.
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White
Okay guys, I'm now a council member.
Start posting now and maybe you'll have some cool baguettes events coming as a reward .
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
fuck events i want baguettes
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White