Originally Posted by Flames View Post
I've only opened skype like 3 times since. Once for clan league then 2 so me and Sweppies could video chat him delivering ice cream. Worth opening and redownloading for those reasons

Could you please go into more details about this?
he would just video chat on his phone and put it on the dashboard so i could see where he was driving and just chatted, twas quite a good time. I recorded it and put it on youtube but took it down because i have to edit smthn in it. Will probably re-upload it in a bit. Its just us talking and watching him drive around.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
I need to see this. Hurry up falmes.
The Future is Bulletproof
"How r people still in jail? Just make alts lol" -Wizard
Trump is president, we're so fucked.
I'll start building a nuclear fallout shelter.
If thou gaze long into the abyss,
the abyss will also gaze into thee.
Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
i've predicted this already hah

So you freaking guessed yesterday?! I went to laugh at my whole stupid family that just love Hillary because of the media in the TV and if she would have won, i'd cut myself of embarrassment.
Well good bye America. It was nice knowing you, half of your country are gonna regret that decision lol
"People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public."—Bryan White