Endurance Onslaught 6.0
There are cheaters. FairFight is a system that relies a lot on users reporting suspicious behavior. Not that you'll notice, the obvious ones (aimbots) get caught quickly and the subtle ones are near impossible to detect, since it's usually anti-suppression cheats, which you can't really see unless you see their end of the game.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
For people that are looking for a really fun shooter to play, this is absolutely a great choice.

Always felt these games were more leaned towards people who want to have a fun experience in a shooter, rather than do extremely well competitively since it's honestly rare for me to find anyone who cares about Battlefield on a competitive level.

It's a fun game, and I've not had any problems at all in regards to balance. Sure, maybe you'll feel like you got screwed a couple times when you die, or whatnot. But if you're taking this game too seriously I feel like you're ruining the experience for yourself.

Fine to want to see the game improve and all, but saying the good part of the game is buried under "filth" sounds really ridiculous to me.

The game isn't bad, just don't go into it looking for a competitive ultra balanced flat mono e mono SSB Final Destination type of gameplay. You won't find it mate, and you'll ruin the experience for yourself.

Played a bit of the Single Player and personally didn't enjoy it much. Still though, been a load of fun from what I've played, and I usually despise the modern military shooter genre.

Also, not seen any cheaters yet, but I see people calling people out all the time for it? People just being salty or maybe I'm just not noticing.
Vehicle balance is literally terrible. When an entire objective can get shut down because of 1 tank with 3 people inside of it, then that's terrible balance. It's enjoyable when each side feels like they can do something, so somebody going something ridiculous like 30-0 or 50-0 just because they took a tank and sat at a choke point is not enjoyable for the receiving end.

Like I keep mentioning, if a tank actually is forced into close quarters, then I have no problems with them, since most of the anti-tank tools in the game are very limited in range, but the fact is that most maps don't force tanks into close quarters, so a lot of tank players just play them like artillery and essentially just point and click from across the map until the end of the match. And the only somewhat effective infantry counter to a person playing artillery tank is to use specifically assault with the anti-tank gun, and you'll need at least 3 or 4 people doing it at the same time to prevent them from just ducking into cover and repairing back to full.

When the only effective counter to the predominant style of vehicle usage requires full squad coordination to deal with 1 person or half a squad of loose coordination, then balance is not enjoyable, and otherwise enjoyable experiences get ruined because of a blatant outlier. You don't need to know rocket science to realize nerfing the only consistent ranged anti-tank infantry tool by imposing conditions on when you want to use it is going to cause long-ranged use of tanks to rise in effectiveness. And that's why I say there's filth covering an otherwise good game, because it's not even a hard balancing concept to comprehend, it's just that Dice has a hardon for vehicles.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Well you can play domination or war pigeons to just avoid vehicles all together, I noticed some cheaters when I played today, there was 5 people being banned at once in-game :P oh well, war pigeons even tho it sounds dumb was truly an amazing game mode.
Last edited by Ezeth; Oct 27, 2016 at 11:38 PM.
I only play domination and tdm, haven't tried war pigeons yet.

Problems with domination and tdm are that it's fairly obvious Dice put pretty low effort in to them, because there's a lot of bad balancing around spawn points. Some maps have bad spawn algorithms, so it's easy for one side to snowball to victory because either owning one point makes it nearly impossible to capture another because you spawn around that point and it's easy to pin people down into it, or owning no points spawns you in a position that's nearly impossible to escape from (ballroom blitz is terrible because of this). Other maps have bad spawn locations, so a player that knows how to exploit them can kill players the instant they spawn in, and consistently (i believe it's suez canal that has a particularly egregious example). And still others have bad starting spawns which can enable a team to snowball to victory from the very beginning because the starting positions are so advantageous (the mountain fortress map is a good example, the team that starts in the fortress can easily snowball to victory).

Like I said, the game is fun, but it's clear where Dice's priorities were placed, and it's in the vehicle gamemodes.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Like I said, the game is fun, but it's clear where Dice's priorities were placed, and it's in the vehicle gamemodes.

yeah true, domination is almost comical at some points when there are 3 flags in a triangle, and both teams ends up running in circles capturing, completely avoiding eachother. War pigeons is a mode where you look for a pigeon, you pick it up and carry it until you can release it. The opposing teams goal is to kill the carrier before he can release the pigeon. If they kill the carrier they can pick up the pigeon, they can also kill the pigeon right after the team released it, first team to release 3 pigeons wins. Kind of like bagtag. After the pigeons are released an artillery will rain upon the location where the pigeon was released, but the artillery rarely kills anyone so its not a very important feature in the game mode.

What would be perfect is a game mode without tanks or airplanes, but with small vehicles like cars, horses, motorcycles.
Last edited by Ezeth; Oct 28, 2016 at 11:27 AM.
I finally managed to get more than 10 kills with the Kolibri.

Now to just get 87 more so I can get the shitty dogtag.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
i suck so hard at this game, and my teammates are idiots.. especially the ones that get the vehicles, they all stand still while they get hit by every enemy explosive, or they kamikaze with both planes and tanks, with other people in them
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
I got this game a couple weeks ago, and it is fucking fantastic. I play it on the xbox one, my favorite game mode at the moment is definitely conquest. I HATED the other battlefield games because I couldn't get used to the game mechanics such as bullet drop, but I actually applied some effort into this game because I saw great reviews and I wanted to see if it was something I'd like after getting used to it, and I am so glad I did that because I am in love with the game.

My favorite class is either the medic or assault. I didn't like the assault class at first, but I played it until I unlocked the model 10-A factory shotgun, and then I played that until i was assault rank 3 and then I unlocked the model 10-A hunter, and I have to say that gun is quite broken but soooo fun to play. I played medic the most at first, I unlocked the mondragon storm when I was of rank, and then I unlocked the selbstlader m1916 marksman and I use that on maps where long range rifles are more effective.

Over all the game is truly great in my opinion, if you are on the fence about buying it, I'd highly reccomend you buy it.
you're on thin ice, pal