All are equal to me, but mat, onsola and victor i guess, since i've spoken directly to them more than i have to any other member.
Well closest one 4 me is Onsola, I guess. We chat often (at least used to cuz now his net doesn't have enuf coal)

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Latin was already official when they revived it, or at least they had the board. Idk

Well about this new topic: i luv y'all <2
But yeah i try to get on well with everyone. I remember playing a lot with seba, gru, eki, vic, ray, cat, well almost everyone. I just feel that a clan should be like a sorth of family, well more like a group of friends where evdryone gets on well with evdryone. Ofc there will be some closer friends but thats life

So yh luv 4 every1
leaving this shithole since only 2 people mentioned my name, all of them mentioned onsola's name.
i'm going for good. this place has no hopes of being one of the cool kids
im gonna apply for vibe
p.s: you'll never get official without me!

also onsola you didnt mention me so you are a piece
Augh mat no need to mention you, you know a part of my hearth is dedicated to you, lmao. Actually i am just 2 lazy to make the list of all the members lol

But yh, we all are cool, thats the true meaning of mau, okno
heeey guys sorry i haven't been active on my main i got really busy with trying to get a job getting my ged and also having no wifi D: but i am back and i will be active hope to see yall all soon in game
Ah... runoff sentences. funny how 2 of the new recruits have a habit of making runoff sentences.
What do you guys think about this? Also, talk about the situation on not ending the sentences with prepositions.
"We need someone to lean on" is grammatically incorrect.
Upper the answer was that he was counting cared in poker. Hey I am back from my moms so I well be even more active than what i was that weekend ok. I well say the closest person to a friend is prob onsalo. I have only played with hem ones, but we talk sometimes. So right now what is every on up to i am. Well of cores on the computer lol, but I well be going out side to play something prob football or basketball u get it. Well just tell me if u wont
Originally Posted by alex11727 View Post
heeey guys sorry i haven't been active on my main i got really busy with trying to get a job getting my ged and also having no wifi D: but i am back and i will be active hope to see yall all soon in game

Oh snap, it's you alex? Remember me from the tourney, yesterday?