ok the problem with communisum is truly humanity in a small village or island ect... or on paper comunisum is perfict and brilant, the problem is the following list
1. in order for a country to become communist it must go through a communist revolushion, a communist must then take control inorder to set up the communist society. problem one: humans are power mad, find me any person who will step down from leading a country after having that power. if he dosent hes then the leader of the country and not on an equal levol with everyone else

2. problem 2 you have 3 people doing the same job all right next to each other, there all being payed the same, there making shoes, the man on the right is making 10 shoes a day, the man in the middle is making 15 shoes a day, the man on the left is making 5 shoes a day, there all being payed the same amount, the men on on the right and in the middle see that the man on the left is doing less work then them and getting paid the same, they deside there only going to do as much work as the man on the left, now your country has a shortage of shoes, now what are you going to do? your ppl are all running aroun bare foot and theres nothing you can do, you cant tell them to work harder, whats there insentive they wont be paid more for doing more work, you cant fire them cus that goes against what you stand for, the shortage contenues.

get what im saying? you cant have a large communist country because humans are imperfict
Last edited by andcream; Dec 19, 2008 at 12:46 AM.
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
Originally Posted by andcream View Post
ok the problem with communisum is truly humanity in a small village or island ect... or on paper comunisum is perfict and brilant, the problem is the following list
1. in order for a country to become communist it must go through a communist revolushion, a communist must then take control inorder to set up the communist society. problem one: humans are power mad, find me any person who will step down from leading a country after having that power. if he dosent hes then the leader of the country and not on an equal levol with everyone else

2. problem 2 you have 3 people doing the same job all right next to each other, there all being payed the same, there making shoes, the man on the right is making 10 shoes a day, the man in the middle is making 15 shoes a day, the man on the left is making 5 shoes a day, there all being payed the same amount, the men on on the right and in the middle see that the man on the left is doing less work then them and getting paid the same, they deside there only going to do as much work as the man on the left, now your country has a shortage of shoes, now what are you going to do? your ppl are all running aroun bare foot and theres nothing you can do, you cant tell them to work harder, whats there insentive they wont be paid more for doing more work, you cant fire them cus that goes against what you stand for, the shortage contenues.

get what im saying? you cant have a large communist country because humans are imperfict

the real problem of communism is money
people cant be on the same level as long as there exists money
the things you said are just results of the money system

there was never communism. criminal people were havin power and said "this is communism" btw

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
not exacly origanly they had the best form of communisum in mind but became curoped and there is no way to take mony out of the equashion for the leader and the leader of a country wont step down, he has to deal with mony because he has to trade with other countries, its imposible in a large countrie for everyone to be equal witch is a big part of comunisum
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
Andrew, u spelled imperfect wrong..... and the argument isn't really thought out...

1. You do not have to go through a Violent revolution to get anywhere, so revolution does not require a negative tone. And Many people would step down from power, The problem is yes, that humans lack the ability to work permanently for the greater good. And, you cannot expect a leader to stay righteous for his whole term, if he is allowed to lead alone. This is why you must instill a system of checks and balances.

2. you used a very bad example of communism... a better would be:

a doctor is getting paid just as much as a policeman, the policeman has a Much harder job, but in the long run, it is just as important as a doctors, (janitor vs. doctor works as well) but, they will get paid the same. So many people would not like this idea, due to the natural want for more that humans have.

And blaj, you can ask andrew, i changed all of my siblings diapers since i was old enough to talk, i basically raised my siblings. i fed them all, and i learned first hand that a child eats as much as it can, it takes the most toys it can find, and has to be taught to NOT do so. animals are the same way, the only creature we see everyday that follows the rules of communism are ants, and they are mindless working machines.

thats not true i never said you had to go through a vilent revolushion, and your rong, leaders will not step down from power, say you arange a revolushion and take over a countrie, you set up a new working government and a new econamy, you would never willingly step down, and do not use america as an example, think about it what if inogruashion day came around, the new electie is about to give his inogotorial speach and the president came down and said that he was refsing to step down from offic?
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
Dude, you know that me, or you would both step down from office, the problem is that the sort of people who can make it to that amount of power are usually previously corrupt. or are easily corrupted. And, i never said that you said a violent revolution was required, i said that the word revolution does not require a negative tone, which you intentionally/unintentionally portrayed through your typing.

BTW enter #woor soon.

dont make me repeat my arguments..
i said what i had to say and anything i would say with be repeatitive
bai nao

wanna take off shirt and kiss?
ya but "the problem is that the sort of people who can make it to that amount of power are usually previously corrupt." those are the ppl who are normaly already in offace and inorder to get them out, you would eather have most of the countrie backing you in order to basicly scare him out or fight him and kill or make him get out

LOL fail argue
Last edited by blaj; Dec 19, 2008 at 01:32 AM.
In the Never Ending War Between Pirates And Ninjas, Ninjas Would Obviously Win, All Pirates Do Nowadays Is Illegality Download Movies Off the Internet And Shit
Originally Posted by andcream View Post
ya but "the problem is that the sort of people who can make it to that amount of power are usually previously corrupt." those are the ppl who are normaly already in offace and inorder to get them out, you would eather have most of the countrie backing you in order to basicly scare him out or fight him and kill or make him get out

LOL fail argue

Wow... ur argument was pretty fail lol...

i said the people who CAN make it there, not the people that are there, and i said usually, are corrupt or easily corruptable, lol.