Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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2 First Time Drivers sharing a car?
Hey, I've not got much of a clue when it comes to car insurances in the general sense with additional drivers onboard so I'll just explain my little predicament.

Me and my girlfriend are sharing our next Uni apartment this September, and in order to save money during that year we are also planning on buying a second hand car and paying 50/50 between us.

She is waiting on her test and I have yet to begin (shall begin in September).

Is it a good idea/generally more expensive to have 2 first time drivers sharing a car on the insurance? One of us would have to be main driver (probably her) and I'd be the add on additional driver.

Otherwise should I consider finding a car of my own and paying mine separately?

Thanks to whoever decides to help clear up my confusion.
Hm, it would probably be best if you shared one car. Not much would change besides the amount of money being put in for gas and what not for the car (would be less). Also, if you're taking classes to drive before hand, in the US, the insurance on the vehicle that is under the name of the driver who took said classes will be lower compared to someone who didn't take classes. That's if money is a big issue.

This all takes into consideration on if you're still in school or have jobs. If transportation is an issue for that, possibly having a ride from another friend or maybe a family member would not hurt. Just until you get your license and have the money for your own car.
Last edited by WeooWeoo; Mar 28, 2016 at 05:38 AM.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
I've done some work for a broker before, but I've never done one with 2 new drivers on 1 car. I think you probably won't pay more. 2 people can't drive the car at the same time, so having 1 new driver or 2 new drivers won't make a difference, 1 driver can drive 100% of the time already, it makes no difference. Ultimately it will be cheaper than having 2 cars though.

There's some small things that can lower your premiums, like make sure to take restricted driver option and maybe up your excess. Also using market price is usually cheaper than agreed value (even if you agree less than market value usually), and if you lock it in a garage at night and (usually) don't park on the street during the day it can go lower (insurers tend to ask where/how the car is stored during day and night).

The best thing you can do is ask an insurer, they will be happy to help you. Give em a ring or check their website, they will probably have to give you a whole quote to tell you.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Long stuff

Overall, it'd be better if you had the car in one of your parents name, insurance would be a lot cheaper. (Unless your parents have horrible driving records of course)

If you do decide to just get the car in your and your girlfriends name, simple things like good grades and clean school records could give you a discount on the cost of insurance (State Farm offers this), and of course the safer the car, the cheaper the insurance, as sports car we always cause you to have higher costs.
Last edited by Worm; Mar 28, 2016 at 05:45 AM.
Haha thank you for all the help guys, I should've probably mentioned that I'm a) British, so anything that is US specific won't apply to me and B) Having others or parents drive me isn't possible, my mother doesn't drive and I live 8 hours away from her.

I have good grades, in Uni, I have a 16 hour contract job. Unsure if this will factor into the insurance, I would also park the car on the road outside our house.

Again thanks for the help, I'll take Immortal's advice and call up an insurance company asking for them to do me a quote for the sake of seeing what kind of prices we'd be looking at
Ok, if I'm getting this right your question has been answered. If you wish to keep this open for a valid reason feel free to PM me. Closing.