Original Post
Staff plz
why hasn't there been a staff member that is a fucking dueler?? Like zero, shjz, shmevin, shockey, cj, dragon, or me, like any dueler that is well known
From what I remember, Imapirate was a big dueler and a marketsquad & supermod guy some years back.

Although, staff don't typically have the hype or time in participating in things like that once they begin work.
Last edited by Link; Mar 20, 2016 at 05:48 AM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Because it just so happens that none of the staff members duel.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
mwah rarely duels and is mostly busy with stuff irl, weooweoo I'm talking about staff making duelers a staff member not asking about if one of the staff members duel that we have right now from what I can we don't
Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
why hasn't there been a staff member that is a fucking dueler?? Like zero, shjz, shmevin, shockey, cj, dragon, or me, like any dueler that is well known

Duelers tend to get into more trouble and are usually not into the game to help people out like staff are dealers are usually in it for money just like with infractions are getting banned if you play Toribash long enough you're going to eventually get in trouble there's no way they're not do that from what I have seen
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Well that's just an opinion some duelers might not be in it for the money while some might be, Dragon has wanted to be a staff member but got denied cause of the assumption of wanting to do it for the money when they didn't even get to know him or give him a chance??
Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
Well that's just an opinion some duelers might not be in it for the money while some might be, Dragon has wanted to be a staff member but got denied cause of the assumption of wanting to do it for the money when they didn't even get to know him or give him a chance??

still look at how many staff members other than gm extensively play the game there are only a few if you are a dueler you will focus most of you time not dueling and getting better and staff would focus on
and drhax is a dueler who became staff so it can happen but it's different drives
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Originally Posted by iTemp View Post
why hasn't there been a staff member that is a fucking dueler?? Like zero, shjz, shmevin, shockey, cj, dragon, or me, like any dueler that is well known

Because dueling has absolutely zero basis on performance in a staff position.

It's entirely a coincidence that staff does not have a prolific dueler currently.
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH