funny how there are millions of people on this planet who have their birthday on december 11th and you're only using that pointer to accuse me of multiclanning
for fuck's sake guys
i get called gigaswag on a weekly basis now. earlier it was daily, i have also been called chintu or pakkun106's alt

oh, and i have never used that kind of logo (as you said in chat, science), i have used that one with the double rings, the really shiny one, the one which is way too minimalist and this one.
oh and there is no bullshit 'oxide style', there are probably a lot of people who do logos like I do.
Oh, and I learnt most of my styles from tutorials, I'm not self learned, so yeah, it's not a unique style, so shut up.
umm please, that logo has a huge resemblance in your old 'iMatrx' logo (that version with an M instead of G)
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
not to forget that it also looks like your logo, science.

Why so defensive oxide? It's really solid evidence. you point out that there are a lot of people who have their birthdays on december 11 but isn't it ironic how that certain account which you were accused of multiclanning also has the same birthday as you?
exactly. If i recall oxide had 2 'M' logos, one in his hate club, and one which sort of looks like yours.

Actually i could think of a reason or two about an oxide style if you gave me enough time
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
not to forget that it also looks like your logo, science.

Why so defensive oxide? It's really solid evidence. you point out that there are a lot of people who have their birthdays on december 11 but isn't it ironic how that certain account which you were accused of multiclanning also has the same birthday as you?

i think you're forgetting how humans act
A person will act defensively if accused without any solid evidence. And no, having the same birthday and some vague resemblance to a logo isn't solid evidence.
Oh and it isn't ironic because that is the cause itself why you think that I'm multiclanning. You're forgetting logic again.

Originally Posted by Sc1ence01 View Post
remember, oxide made my logo.

and you have proved? let me admit, that logo style (the one i did for you) is kind of shamelessly stolen. I'm not saying that I learnt it from a tutorial, I'm saying that I looked at a logo like that once, and knew what would take to make it. It's a simple logo.
Originally Posted by Lust View Post
exactly. If i recall oxide had 2 'M' logos, one in his hate club, and one which sort of looks like yours.

Actually i could think of a reason or two about an oxide style if you gave me enough time

Because I learnt to make logos from this video, keep in mind this is the first logo tutorial i watched

900,000 people have watched that. It is probably the most watched logo tutorial. And it resembles my style too, don't you think?
Oh, and here is the logo you're talking about

You can shout (shout) "MULTICLANNER!!! THE LOGO ARE KIND OF SAME AND THEY HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY!!" all you want, but I fail to see a major resemblance. Look at his logo, and then look at mine. Mine is way too shiny (amateur mistake) and has white stroke. It has a grey and blue gradient too. Look, there's even a reflection ellipse on the circle. There are none of those things in graft's logo.
I'm being targeted here
Last edited by Oxide; Mar 7, 2016 at 12:48 PM.
having the same birthday and some vague resemblance to a logo isn't solid evidence.

Are you really serious ? The fact that you have the same birthday itself is solid.

Actually when i said you had the same birthday i just made a wild guess.

Also, about the second logo you gave us that's obviously original, i don't think there's a tutorial for that. It's very similar to graft's

so... yeah. you're gonna come into a discussion, and not to mention start it itself, and then back out of it when presented with counter arguments?
well played, well played.
get someone like uppkicker here to argue against me because he, at least replies to my whole argument. he doesn't leave out major components of it to make his argument seem more solid.

do you see what i'm talking about? i'm not gonna continue this unless you reply to my complete post, not minor parts of it (not saying the argument you mentioned isn't major, but that would a red herring tactic)
"but I fail to see a major resemblance."
"Look at his logo, and then look at mine. Mine is way too shiny (amateur mistake) and has white stroke. It has a grey and blue gradient too. Look, there's even a reflection ellipse on the circle. There are none of those things in graft's logo. "

Think of it this way, the first logo you made you noticed that it was too shiny, so upon making the second logo you remember your mistake and then you don't do it. Why? When you accidentally leave a spoon in the microwave and you turn it on doesn't mean you're going to do it again.

"I'm being targeted here

That's what they all say, tee hee :3
again, you didn't reply to my whole argument. regardless,

you're thinking that i already agree here, which I don't. what you're suggesting is that I made that logo after mine, which I never did make that. Seems anecdotal because you have no evidence that I made that, other than a logo which just vaguely resembles mine.