I, for no reason, got unbanned already. I got banned for no reason and got unbanned for no reason, seems legit.
Lol well im glad to see you back m9
I'm going to try the tournament event again now. I think we have enough players.
I will need a list of the people entering (Please fucking enter)
Just tell me if you are entering
Last edited by Boaplitas; Jan 7, 2016 at 05:12 PM.
Some other things about me that I thought I'd put out there.

I plan to either be an author or a research scientist in the future. (or both)

My favorite subject is English.

I make my own music from time to time. I have an old soundcloud that I no longer use, and some music that's not uploaded anywhere atm.

I'll link that stuff here My old soundcloud I no longer use A song I just finished about 30 minutes ago

Tell me what you think.

My real name is Gbari. Boerhae is a long-time nickname. Stretch out my real name and you get Guh Boe Rhae, I just dropped the Guh

What are some things about you guys?

Edit1: My favorite song (that's not mine) is Destination by Helynt. Won't link it, just Google it
Last edited by Boerhae; Jan 7, 2016 at 09:20 PM.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
Just fucking read this...
So to Explain my absence, listen up.
I recently got a new high end computer and have been customizing it and upgrading it where I see fit, but ever since I set it up I haven't been able to load Toribash Properly at all the text is all fucked up and it crashes fucking constantly. I have tried literally everything and even received help form their Technical team and not a dam thing has changed, and believe me if you have thought about it I've tried it, even de-constructed and re-constructed my PC, nothing works, so until I can figure out why the fuck toribash out of all my other games that play Flawlessly on the highest graphical setting, but this damn game has pissed me off.

So if you haven't guessed I wont be on for a while if ever again at all, I am actively trying to fix it and have several parts and software programs on order so if that doesn't fix it I give up on this game. Please understand that its nothing personal, on the contrary, I have grow to enjoy you bastards but there is only so far I'll go for a game.

Sincerely yours, Peter.
Soon... I will be consumed... by them, by the Dark
I really like your stuff, Boerhae.

I don't really have anything interesting about me XD.
I got my username from headbutting a keyboard.. basically. I thought it sounded cool so I kept it.
you pronounce my username like "Groog-Ease" nothing special. I don't have a story. It wasn't a nickname or anything. I probably could make a meaning behind it. "They call me Groogeyz because I do it with.. ease". Welp.. There's my new catchphrase and signature.
Originally Posted by Boerhae View Post
author or a research scientist

Quite a leap there dude but yeah... goodluck

Just upgrade your graphics card. I had the same problem a while back when I upgraded to windows 10.
I've done something like that before but you got pretty lucky with that name.
I got "kddkk" for a halo 3 map name.
My online name is pretty shit... My brother's standard online name has always
been "Aplitas". It stands for "American phantom lost in time and space"
Because I am his brother, I am "Brother of American phantom lost in time and space"
Those are some pretty cool songs dude
What program do you use to make your music?
Last edited by Boaplitas; Jan 8, 2016 at 05:07 PM.
I think he uses FL Studio? I have FL studio. You can surprisingly make good music on it. It's actually quite simple if you wanna make a 15 second track XD.