Originally Posted by Lust View Post
I regret my action of getting that namechange out of the blue. I was locked on getting a change to Eki, but unfortunately they increased the minimum characters from 3 to 4. It's like the community is targeting me >.> Well, lust seems cool anyway, it describes

i know this is a little late but, you could've just done Ekii! thats what i did when i decided to make another account for no real reason, i just added another i. it was supposed to be Zvi (my middle name. all my initials are z's) so it just ended up as Zvii and it soUNDS SO MUCH COOLER. you let me down bruh. Lust still sounds cool i guess
Aka is in first generation since he quit toribash, he might be back tho.

Bog nice to see you are back ^^

Cata we are in a trial week without rules to see if we can live without them, and bog doesnt have a good english level, he can comunicate tho, good enough.

Dat screenshot gru, I would use some other effects specially to remove those white pixels in the joints which are shown quite often in maximun graphs

AndreRiege: yeah feel free to vote

Well I hope u get better Lust, jk, eki. U are eki 4 me <3

2 other important things: Should I change my profile pic? I have been using it for like 3 years now, you can see it better in my steam profile

A friend of mine told me that it would be amazing to have an image with all of our toris in line, maybe with a cool mod in the background, would be nice

something like this

Worst joke I've ever saw on MAU thread.

Anyways, I see Matrx leveled up to moderator so pretty annoying for me much I should tolerate that.
Also I want to say that the thread Onsola did on the group is pretty useless, is like telling onsola "why you don't make me leader?", Onsola answers "it's useless mking you leader, u useless lolololol"
The thread is discussing about apps so.
Running away...
I like the idea Onsola <3.

Is really nice but, how we can do this?

Let's see this.

Big Size :3

Is a image of the Urban clan. It's so hard for make. We can take this example.

This is the Urban Clan link
Isnt the old clan pic like this?

Actually it isnt so hard to make, you just have to make sure the camera angle is on the same place with every screenshot and just attach them one by one. I could actually try this if i had the computer for it atm :c
Thats basically photoshop editing, its not that hard but it takes some time to get it.

Seba which discussion do you mean? Yeah I havent promoted anyone to leader, basically cause noone has proved that they deserve such a rank. Its not only the title, if you are the leader then you have to take care of most of the things that happen in the clan both inforums and ingame and honestly the one who has been close was eki before he left and joined Aether.

To gain such a rank you need to show a great enthusiasm for the clan, be active both ingame and inforums, know how to deal with dificult issues such as some discussions between members. An other thing to take into account is that here u rank up gradually, that means that unless u are good in the rank u are u wont get promoted. Asking for rank and doing nothing to gain it wont give it to you.

I might have to re make all the ranks since now I feel that some of the ranks havent been given correctly. This time I will give ranks based on activity and how much they can help the clan. Idk when I will do this and I might ask for help to some of the highest rank members.

I already have 2 inactive leaders, I dont want a 3rd one.

yeah eki it was like that but I did it in paint and it was kinda shitty, besides, only the 9 guys we were were shown only
Eki is still here in the corner, sitting.

actually i joined ascend, which wasnt really a good idea because the clan was surprisingly inactive. I only joined because the clan leader also recommended me to join, who coincidentally lived at the province we lived in.

actually i remember myself being all enthusiastic and addicted with toribash and MAU, and whereever i went i always thought to myself, "shit, i wonder if the clan is active right now and discussing things that might be very important, i better not miss it!" And i would always keep pressing that refresh button whilst on the mau thread, only to set myself up for disappointment. Actually my enthusiasm and activity became my downfall when i quit the clan, but now im back and probably wont leave until i quit tb or something.

And its kinda funny how 6 highest ranked members are inactive exept onsola. Do you think a rank reset would do nicely for the clan?