

Originally Posted by Onsola View Post

Damn look how I MISspelled wasting in my previous post lol

Wait a second.....I think trapcode actually stole a replay but i don't know...he bought QI on purpose because he has a replay thread now. He knows what a signature is and he is a really good replay maker....He lied about being a 10 day toribashian...need proof?

I don't know why he would lie and actually do that? I mean he looks pretty decent but why did he have to lie to get our attention? I don't know but trapcode if your reading this you should redo your app put more effort and post some "replays" that you make. Or you either stole them but whatever....

Guys what do you think about this? Also Onsola MAU would've been terrible without you great job rising towards the leader and making this the best clan I've had yet. Guys go vote in our application thread for my friend yoshi he really deserves it mates..


Originally Posted by CataIyst View Post

I don't know why he would lie and actually do that? I mean he looks pretty decent but why did he have to lie to get our attention? I don't know but trapcode if your reading this you should redo your app put more effort and post some "replays" that you make. Or you either stole them but whatever....

Guys what do you think about this? Also Onsola MAU would've been terrible without you great job rising towards the leader and making this the best clan I've had yet. Guys go vote in our application thread for my friend yoshi he really deserves it mates..

Ok i'm dumbfounded....Trapcode is sweeyollo and he probably made "trapcode" as a prank or something like that. I still don't know why? Well anyways the case is closed dang i put some research and work into "trapcode" well then.....I think he wanted to start new and have a alt in MAU idk...

Guys by the way please start making effort and length into your posts. It's ok to have like 10-40 words every once in a while but let's try to surprise Onsola and provide him the respect and gratitude of what he's put in this clan for us. We want to be official no one in this clan probably wants to stay unofficial and we need to put more effort in these posts now. I am trying to help as much as i can but i can only do so much on the thread...Guys come on!
Last edited by Jade; Dec 19, 2015 at 04:27 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by boogie22 View Post
boop am active

really...It doesn't matter if your active...

Do i have to explain to everyone in the clan. We need more members that are capable of withstanding the new "requirements" come on guys I know this is your first post but please introduce yourself put some backstory include more meaning and effort into your posts. I try to every day and I know you can too you proved you were capable of being in MAU well prove it.

Also love the profile picture I'm going to try to make one again....It's hard to see my lettering....
Originally Posted by CataIyst View Post
really...It doesn't matter if your active...

Do i have to explain to everyone in the clan. We need more members that are capable of withstanding the new "requirements" come on guys I know this is your first post but please introduce yourself put some backstory include more meaning and effort into your posts. I try to every day and I know you can too you proved you were capable of being in MAU well prove it.

Also love the profile picture I'm going to try to make one again....It's hard to see my lettering....

LOL sorry im an old member doe,i just had issues for the last couple a months
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
Originally Posted by boogie22 View Post
LOL sorry im an old member doe,i just had issues for the last couple a months

Alright but please make sure in the future to make longer apps because we want to actually regain this clan and I think you do too. I appreciate you have a sense of humor but don't let it turn to immaturity.

New Topic: What is your guys's opinions on improving the clan. It's a great clan so far and we've come so far but we need to improve on a lot of things. First of all we need more focused and more serious clan members. We need to rise above more ranks in the clan list and hmm I don't know what do you guys think?
Originally Posted by boogie22 View Post
boop am active

Originally Posted by boogie22 View Post
sola wot you mean b 3 days trial

Yeah nice job, asshole. You're banned from the thread. See you on monday.
And I warn you, if you post here before monday, I'm going to contact a moderator/council/onsola/coleader, and you will be kicked.
Got it?

Also I'm very dissappointed, why the very short posts on the previous page? I go inactive for a while and you guys just start abusing the system?
I say this again, I'm very disappointed.
Originally Posted by Onsola View Post
Alright Ori, have fun we will wait for ya

Past clans? Well I have been in 2 before MAU:

The first was called The Forsaken Ones, it was really ianctive but since I didnt use the forums I didnt realise. Till the day I discovered them and started using them, soon I became co-leader but I end up leaving the clan since it was too inactive and there was no hope. it died after I left.

The second one was called TRILL it lasted only 1 day :/ The day I joined Fain came and closed its thread and all the leaders left. Therefore I left as well.

After that I joined MAU which seemed as a clan with potential, soon I was rising in ranks till I got to be the leader of it, funny hu? so yeah now I run this as it was mine, how I promised to the ex-leader. I started at the bottom and now I am here, leading this clan towards becoming official (if you ask how I started rising between the ranks its simple; being useful to the clan, helping whenever I could and being entusiastic, eki did something similar and he was a co-leader before he left and joined Aether)

Damn look how I MISspelled wasting in my previous post lol

Yeah I'd say I'm pretty enthusiastic towards the clan, well atleast on the forums.

Have you seen the rise of my post quality lately? I go to that much effort to make paragraphs of stuff, and only 1 person (Arakata) replies to that post? I mean, I addressed almost all things but no, you had to ignore it, didn't you. To be honest, I'm pretty underrated, lol.

Originally Posted by boogie22 View Post
imatrx:not really,sola said that the 3 day trial is i need to post something for the next 3 days,if not i will be inactive and get kkicked soo sorryy for short post i will post longer ones later

good job, post another app on monday
let me contact a moderator to kick you, thanks for cooperating
this is my real dream

yeah but seriously, you're out
Last edited by Oxide; Dec 19, 2015 at 07:26 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by iMatrx View Post
Yeah nice job, asshole. You're banned from the thread. See you on monday.
And I warn you, if you post here before monday, I'm going to contact a moderator/council/onsola/coleader, and you will be kicked.
Got it?

Also I'm very dissappointed, why the very short posts on the previous page? I go inactive for a while and you guys just start abusing the system?
I say this again, I'm very disappointed.

Yeah I'd say I'm pretty enthusiastic towards the clan, well atleast on the forums.

Have you seen the rise of my post quality lately? I go to that much effort to make paragraphs of stuff, and only 1 person (Arakata) replies to that post? I mean, I addressed almost all things but no, you had to ignore it, didn't you. To be honest, I'm pretty underrated, lol.

Hey thanks Matrx I noticed your longer posts and i respect that a ton.

I know what you feel like lol I posted about 3 paragraphs and nobody responded except for Onsola on steam because i told him too.

Boogie please actually post longer posts...

(I'll edit this later)
imatrx:not really,sola said that the 3 day trial is i need to post something for the next 3 days,if not i will be inactive and get kkicked soo sorryy for short post i will post longer ones later
Cool PPL list
|shev|pakkun106|DeakManiac |N3kos|horvat17|ZENBOY123|Xao0 the coolest|
So i played one ranked game a won went from a 1200 somthing to this.

Look at that rank boy.

Also a return of boogie22
Also i need to relearn how to spar, so if one of you have any tips on that
please let me know cause i have let my self go (" lol like a diet. ")
Last edited by MineDogz; Dec 19, 2015 at 08:00 AM. Reason: cookies
$ echo "Code is the canvas where logic dances, and bugs are the unexpected choreography."
Umm hey guys, can I hang out with (MAU)? Im a close friend of Matrx, I just wanna hangout with the clan of my friend. Can I? but I respect if I cant.
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex