Originally Posted by eki27 View Post
well that explains the avatar
Onsola we should just make a 'banned rank' instead of kicking people :C

Sure, that is a good idea eki.

i put a list of current bans in our social group too.


hello guy
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Hello guy?
Without onsola this place really is inactive lol

Without iMatrx theres no one here to tease with :c
Im sorry guys ;-; this tuesday they will come to check the int. I hope then fix it then. Meanwhile dont lose your hope, Im still here, I cant post only.

It takes my like 20 refresh of the router to be on 5 mins, thats how I am posting this ñ.ñ
yeah sure, make the banned rank, it's not as stric as I would like but it is more member-friendly
Last edited by Onsola; Nov 29, 2015 at 03:03 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
yup, thanks for seeing my point. I suggested this when i saw pity in iMatrx when he PM'ed me, especially the last part :L:

our pms

I know the feeling Onsola...

New topic: What do you think about racism between France and Siria?
I know this happened like 2 weeks ago but I bump it anyways.
As people rising for France they don't know about Siria kids that die every day and in France they killed 160 french people, but, the world goes for France, not for Siria, some people goes for the country I said, but it's a minority.
I saw a lot of posts of twitter of france and its like in 20 #PrayForParis tweets it's only one that says #PrayForSiria
Actually I don't like that.
Running away...
syria ? siria is the country of iPhone voices.

THat seems kind of bias, they go with france because france is more well known? How stupid of people. Maybe syria's story isn't all that viral yet.
illuminati isn't real!!!

holy shit i put 3 exclamation points... 3 = illumina- forget it.

BTW my buying thread is back up and running boyz /o/
Uhh, about the Topic, i know nothing about this so i dont really know what to say really,
i guess im gonna just go with about 99% of everybody else on the planet making the right choice.

Btw congrats on 900 posts superseba.
omg 1 more comment and someone will have the the four-thousand-nine-hundredth comment...YAAAAYY

congrats to the person below or the person on the next page.
Last edited by Xenos; Nov 29, 2015 at 10:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump