Originally Posted by iPrime View Post
Welcome to Penta, you're gonna die here. My past experience with this clan was good, so I hope you have a great time in this clan also.

Well hopefully in the future I can say the same.

I'm looking forward to my death. I am the first post of the 100th page. Is it a sign? Perhaps it is. Possibly that my death will be flamboyant and premeditated.
Last edited by EntryPoint; Nov 17, 2015 at 10:09 PM.
Im 17 king , you asked me 3 times now is this a sign ?
ok thanks boa! hope i get accepted
02Chich02 -Wuhsu3-Akido-acrojoust
I can tell this entrypoint cunt is going to get on people's nerves :^I

Alot is an incorrect spelling of "a lot."
Notice it has a squiggly red line under it? Remember that squiggly red line from primary school i.t lessons?
That means it's incorrect.

Did you want a banana sticker for today's little lesson?
Leader of the Mighty Democratic Goblin Empire. Long may it reign.
Originally Posted by Kingoblin View Post
I can tell this entrypoint cunt is going to get on people's nerves :^I

Alot is an incorrect spelling of "a lot."
Notice it has a squiggly red line under it? Remember that squiggly red line from primary school i.t lessons?
That means it's incorrect.

Did you want a banana sticker for today's little lesson?

i already know this, but can you give me that sticker anyways sir ?
02Chich02 -Wuhsu3-Akido-acrojoust
Originally Posted by Kingoblin View Post
I can tell this entrypoint cunt is going to get on people's nerves :^I

Alot is an incorrect spelling of "a lot."
Notice it has a squiggly red line under it? Remember that squiggly red line from primary school i.t lessons?
That means it's incorrect.

Did you want a banana sticker for today's little lesson?

I never said that it wasn't incorrect. I even said that it IS incorrect. You must have misunderstood me, this might be because I forgot to put the word "often" when I said "and it is a mystery why 'alot' is [often] compounded."
One word changes the entire meaning of a sentence.

Let me reiterate; "alot" is often compounded in English, even though it's incorrect. There's no reason to nitpick at it since it's used so much.

Either way, don't worry about it, rather not make you any more upset than you are. Wasn't my intention in the first place. Sorry about that.

Didn't think it would be a problem if I nitpicked at your nitpick to enter the discussion. But the moment I do, everyone goes hostile towards me with their demon eyes like I just entered Yakuza territory.

Didn't think you'd take my message so seriously, since I was just making a point trying to find an entry into the discussion.

You could say that I was trying to find an Entry Point.
Last edited by EntryPoint; Nov 17, 2015 at 05:39 PM.
Well, while everyone is in a "Great" mood, I might as well say Hi.
How are my favorite Evil Bastards doing today?!
Any Plans or News of any kind, or any Wise words from our Supreme Overlord Boap?
It is quite Toasty in hell... Wouldn't you agree?
Originally Posted by NotTiffany View Post
Well, while everyone is in a "Great" mood, I might as well say Hi.
How are my favorite Evil Bastards doing today?!
Any Plans or News of any kind, or any Wise words from our Supreme Overlord Boap?

Just finished waking up from my nightmare. It was a really good one. I should make a game out of it for fun. Maybe a 2D RPG since anything else will take too long.
...Now if only I could remember it.

Oh and everyone's great. I think they're all just disturbed by my presence. Probably because of the way I talk.
Last edited by EntryPoint; Nov 17, 2015 at 06:01 PM.
Entrypoint i didn't mean to offend you by asking. I actually appreciate that you got accepted.
I'm just very forgetful, especially when it comes to names... Forgot that Entrypoint was that guy i wanted to be in our clan. I aplogize for not recognizing your name.

And you probably wont make a game out of your dream.
Do you know how often i've thought the same, but didn't do it then? No? Me neither.

Nooooo, i can't get the 1000th post anymore.
Last edited by Gambi; Nov 17, 2015 at 06:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Gambi321 View Post
Entrypoint i didn't mean to offend you by asking. I actually appreciate that you got accepted.
I'm just very forgetful, especially when it comes to names... Forgot that Entrypoint was that guy i wanted to be in our clan. I aplogize for not recognizing your name.

And you probably wont make a game out of your dream.
Do you know how often i've thought the same, but didn't do it then? No? Me neither.

Nooooo, i can't get the 1000th post anymore.

Wait, do I know you? I know you? I don't remember... are you the guy that recruited me basically? (the testing recruiting guy that I played against in abd)

I'm horrible at remembering names too. Sorry if you are. I guess that's one thing we have in common, lol.
That completely changes your last message. I thought you didn't know me and said that, but you actually do.

Anyways, yeah I probably won't and I've gotten so many game ideas from nightmares, but I'm too lazy to actually make anything out of it.

Hey but if you're interested in game making and have some form of experience I'm actually planning on making a game. So maybe one of you can help me out if you have some talent in some places, mainly art because I'm not the best at it.

2D art would be awesome.

Since this is the 1000th post I'll put something more interesting, like some of my 2D artwork I did.

There ya go.
Last edited by EntryPoint; Nov 17, 2015 at 10:11 PM.