Endurance Onslaught 6.0
ayy you made me feel like the worse replay maker again.atleast tell me how close i am so i'll know how much xp i still need.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
ayy you made me feel like the worse replay maker again.atleast tell me how close i am so i'll know how much xp i still need.

Well I can't really tell you how "close" you are because that's subjective and differs among the recruiters. (I'm probably the most hardass one out of all of them, no shame there)

But think of it this way, once you get in (I'm sure you will) you're with the top tier replay makers forever. All the ladies will come flocking towards you, no doubt about that.

also there are other recruiters who can veto my decision, so you guys still have a shot.

edit: I'm at work so I can check the forums on my phone, but can't really post anything until I get home. Sorry about that.
Last edited by MrJingles; Nov 13, 2015 at 08:52 PM.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by NICOLAS135 View Post
what did I done wrong in those replays?
well rip

he said he was going to edit his post whenever he could, just wait a day or something jeez
oh yeah
Originally Posted by AlphaN00b View Post
ayy you made me feel like the worse replay maker again.

then quit applying.
wow that
Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
All the ladies will come flocking towards you, no doubt about that.

all the ladies ran away dude

we're out

(i'll edit this post with my opinions when i get home. expect something in an hour or so)

holy crap. this is the most ive cnc'd in a while. took nearly an hour and a half.



opener was simplistic

i dont think using this as the lift was a very wise decision. you had no momentum, making it a lot harder to lift uke

this is why your chest doesnt rotate in sync with everything else; its bearing most of the weight of lifting uke.

your arm raising movement after your leg sortve swings over is a bit badly timed. its effective, in a sense where you make it so uke won't hit your head, however it doesnt seem to flow very well with the rest of your movement

looks like it was just tacked on. the fact that your entire body isn't moving during this, adds on to the "tacked on" feel.

rest was fine i suppose

the grab on uke's pec was a bit unwise. your hand gets in the way of your kick, where you could've had more potential dms

at f65 you shouldve kept your hand placed when you spun yourself straight to land on your feet

there were a bunch of instances where your limbs move faster than the trunk of your body, mainly due to most of the weight preventing the chest from moving. gotta learn how to balance your movement


little bit of shoulder twitching during 454 (minor)

"ok" lift. your body position could be better, (f322). you sortve hold this position for a tad too long

lowering and raising your right arm to try and get more lift on uke looks weird. your chest also has trouble rotating again. remember: your arms are heavy! heavier than your legs too!

you shouldve re-edited your initial lift once you realized that you could barely touch uke with your second, (subtle), hit.

the transition after this was cool, however because your second hit didnt really lift that much, uke falls to the ground and touches it. its not too much of a big deal, but since you made two whole attempts to keep uke in the air, they seem pointless once he just falls to the ground.

the grab was not placed too well. it might not look like it, but it does impend you to miss the head. it couldve worked if you extended your arm, but other than that it wasn't too wise.

you shouldve kicked the split uke with your left leg. and i know what you're thinking: "but that would've looked bad since my body position is like this, and you would just point me out on that too!"

well now that you know that kicking uke with your right leg works, re edit the kick and try to make it better, while paying attention to the left side of your body, preparing it to swing to the other side and kick. (like extending your left leg as you kick!)

anywho the kick is good, except for the fact that uke's arm is blocking you from most of his split half. (see this is why you should've kicked with your left leg).

next kick is simple and clean enough


well this is a bit short but i'll try and point out what i can

the spin is a spin. its cool

the little tap on uke seemed a bit pointless.

the core split was cool, but since you did that little tap on uke, you can't really continue with your momentum since uke is too far away

as i said, a bit too short to say much

conclusion: no for now. work on your movement more dood. you know what leads to what. all that's needed is to polish it up and time it right.



opener was generic

at f139 everthing is put to the right side, except your chest. this actually stops your arms from going to the right side. the reason its important for everything to go to one side is so you can further do your push off more effectively

your push off couldve made your hook a lot better considering your left pec isnt extended all the way

it wouldve been better if you switched grabs instead of double grabbing. additionally if you switched your grabs you couldve grabbed uke's trunk and had a better angle of hitting uke for maximum dms instead of being restrained to the movement range of double grabs.

ok replay. little short

I Found My School Bag:

neck wobble wobbles for half the replay (nitpick)

simplistic start, nothing too special. the grab couldve been better. since you grab with more of your wrist than your actual hand, 1) you risk breaking your wrist, 2) contracting your wrist doesn't have much of an effect, (for power), and 3) instead of being able to kick the back of uke during your second kick, you kick his side.

you also kick the bottom region of his side, which couldve been a higher kick if you grabbed the top of the head or something in the upper torso.

the decap looks tacked on since the only thing moving is your arm. rest of the body isnt really moving

a bit short as well, but good replay.

Tactical Infusion Zone X:

the kickoff at 360 couldve been more controlled, (without as much power)

you get a bit too high, which causes you to hold a body position for a while until you touch the ground

f260: the knee extension and contraction looked twitchy

you nearly extended it all the way. might as well keep it like that until after a few spaces

nice kick

in my opinion, (not that it matters), you shouldve thrown the dmd pec at the head. thats just me though

skeet was cool

best replay out of the three.

conclusion: you're nearly there, and you overlook some mistakes that i know you have the knowledge to fix. its just how well you can spot them yourself. no for now.
Last edited by Tsuion; Nov 14, 2015 at 04:52 AM.
tsu tsu cuckoo
w0w tsu ninja'd me before I got home.

he basically covered what I was going to say, he even did it to the style. Damn.

also don't feel bad that you got rejected, we reject tons of people! =DDD

(probably doesn't help, but still)
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by Static View Post
Ye I got rejected twice so it's all good

Yeah even static got in, like come on how hard can it be
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Originally Posted by Nearly View Post
then quit applying.

Originally Posted by MrJingles View Post
Yeah even static got in, like come on how hard can it be

ehh i got rejected for like 8 times xD.well static have alot more experience anyway.
also thx tsuion for cnc.really helpfull.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .