I dissapeared for a whole week again cause of my internet. It's doing this weird thing where I can't go online but there's a perfect connection.

I'm sure you guys are tired of hearing this, but Id rather repeat myself so people know where I am then not tell you guys anything till the online is fixed.

Flesh, I'll try out the mod as soon as I can get on the forums on my computer.

Thanks for making it, should be fun.
Don't believe in a cripple cause he'll prove you wrong.
PimpKilla, sounds like you could try changing DNS server! Google on "how to change dns server" and put googles instead (

Happy hunting.
Last edited by Swepples; Jul 12, 2015 at 11:40 AM.
Owner of Fred
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Agree wt swepples, it sounds like something I experienced in a workshop, and finaly solved. Dont remember how, something like the DNS trick. If you are wireless the router itself can be wasted, they overheat etc... a new one should come at some 30-50 usd (at least thats about norwegian prices so it may be just half of it). To check if its the router thats broke you just try putting the internet cable direct into the pc (it gives faster connection to) GL (computerproblems are a awful drag)
[WAPOW] ", Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Thats what I had to to, my internet connection was failing all the time so we ended up buying an Ethernet cable, Its much fast and it doesnt randomly give out
Flames is my partner in science
Why wasn't I informed of my death -Flow
This worst thing in the world to have, bad internet connection and it's so fucking annoying now. I wish I had Ethernet cable myself for the back of my house because I be getting 1-3 bars and it just sucks.
LOL, why did you just put a picture of beans?? xD
Resten fixar jag
Resten fixar jag
Resten fixar jag

Rythm is my bby simp queen;"""3
lol im usually in charge when Krulls is gone. Krulls is on skype quite a bit tho but if you need help with anything you can ask me :V
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
LOL, nice Flames that 777 post count, what a thug
Resten fixar jag
Resten fixar jag
Resten fixar jag

Rythm is my bby simp queen;"""3