I SAY YES!!!! Btw if possible u should make an electric
Just an idea. It would be!
Idk if I can vote. Sorry if im not allowed.
Originally Posted by Gumball View Post
Hey [e]. My name is Joey Jackson. I'm 15 years old, but I'm turning 16 in October. I was born in Alaska, but I was raised and now currently live
in Oregon, for some really shitty reason that I don't know. I'm in love with music. I'm a hardcore band kid. I can play a wide variety of instruments. My 2 main instruments are bass clarinet and piano. I've played both for about 4 years now. I want to major in Music Education. Oh, and I can beatbox ;) I just really enjoy music. Also, I'm a really laid back person. I'm usually the one that makes people laugh. I can also be very serious if I need to be. Also some things I can offer to the clan is that I can do GFX. My channel.
I'm also decent at ABD. That's really the only mod I play. If need be though, I can learn to do others. I just think this clan is full of really cool people. I met Ancient today in a betting server, and he's pretty awesome. Anyways, I think I could make a contribution to the clan. It would be a pretty cool privilege to be in Electric. Also, I'm pretty active now that school is out for the summer. ;)
Thanks for the consideration! Later m8s.

oh, and one more thing. "Yes, I did turn it off and on again."

Also, while I'm waiting for a response, I made this.

yes mister
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
No to gumball...... lol jk yes, his was better than mine xD
and probably better than me at ABD I'm more of a Wushu3.tbm player
<3Kaito = Best Minimalist sets<3
Application for Electric

Hi and hi. I am and I would like to join [e] cuz we could make ads for ebay and get monies $$.
I am good at every mod. My Forum activity is always 1 more than yours !1!11!! so if you're 6/10 active I'm always one above you guys (7/10).
I can make sandwiches and use my fridge perfectly.
Yeah that was my Application, WAPOW!
Originally Posted by Baydotcom View Post
Application for Electric

Hi and hi. I am and I would like to join [e] cuz we could make ads for ebay and get monies $$.
I am good at every mod. My Forum activity is always 1 more than yours !1!11!! so if you're 6/10 active I'm always one above you guys (7/10).
I can make sandwiches and use my fridge perfectly.
Yeah that was my Application, WAPOW!

You forgot to put, "I deserve challenjour gg"


"No, I did not turn it off or on"

I still say yes

"they're like enormous pillows of disgusting girly meat" ~Orih 2016
My Replays
Originally Posted by Baydotcom View Post
Application for Electric

Hi and hi. I am and I would like to join [e] cuz we could make ads for ebay and get monies $$.
I am good at every mod. My Forum activity is always 1 more than yours !1!11!! so if you're 6/10 active I'm always one above you guys (7/10).
I can make sandwiches and use my fridge perfectly.
Yeah that was my Application, WAPOW!


pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
Originally Posted by Baydotcom View Post
Application for Electric

Hi and hi. I am and I would like to join [e] cuz we could make ads for ebay and get monies $$.
I am good at every mod. My Forum activity is always 1 more than yours !1!11!! so if you're 6/10 active I'm always one above you guys (7/10).
I can make sandwiches and use my fridge perfectly.
Yeah that was my Application, WAPOW!

IT SAYS WAPOW!!! Lololololololololololololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
I say no.
Originally Posted by Baydotcom View Post
Application for Electric

Hi and hi. I am and I would like to join [e] cuz we could make ads for ebay and get monies $$.
I am good at every mod. My Forum activity is always 1 more than yours !1!11!! so if you're 6/10 active I'm always one above you guys (7/10).
I can make sandwiches and use my fridge perfectly.
Yeah that was my Application, WAPOW!

Rejected, do not post another troll app or I'll report.

Banned from posting here for 3 days too.
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