A group of us are moving over to Inq, putting some pep in its step.

Mine and Links (dunno about Daed yet) leader spots are now vacant.

TLDR is now Inq.
Last edited by Ele; Jun 14, 2015 at 10:01 AM.
Oh. Well this works.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Any chance we could move out clan league over since inquisition wasn't participating beforehand?
League of Legends NA: Locus
I think that might be against the rules. They seemed pretty clear about members changing clans. I'm not sure though, you could ask Icky.
Hey cool, congrats!
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Yes, ty mang. I figure we can still keep using this thread to have chats. Even if there's already a concurrent Inq chat thread (nothing wrong with having two convos going at one = twice as much activity). All the friends of TLDR can continue to post here as well.

edit: Oh, also, on the clan league guys;
[22:55] <Icky> Scorp
[22:55] <@Scorp> icky
[22:55] <Icky> TLDR got absorbed by INQ, what do they do about their place in the Clan League?
[22:55] <@Scorp> nothing
[22:55] <@Scorp> tl;dr drops out
Last edited by Ele; Jun 14, 2015 at 04:48 PM.
So did Daedalus change something, because his accountability for future mishappenings depends on it.


TBH I don't really mind. You're beginning to make me feel like you are actively seeking to cause me as much confusion as possible.
Good morning sweet princess
KK, one question, what do we do with the TL;DR vault? Do we agglutinate the two banks or leave the previous TL;DR members to use their vault as a personal stash? Most of that tc was donated for a private board for TL;DR (which obviously inquisition doesn't need) so maybe returning that tc to the original donors would be the fairest option.

I think I might stay in the hollow carcass of tl;dr, clear it up a bit maybe maybe even find some people who want to continue its legacy (probably not) before moving on if you would be willing to still take me in. I just feel like I am sitting on a pile of tc and infrastructure which would be a shame to leave to the unforgiving and deadly clutches of Gynx the Destroyer and his death-army of clan mods. I also feel like if I move too fast I might get shell-shock. It still feels like barely any time since I left Phoenix to found and lead a new clan with Ele. At the time I probably would not of done the same (as in leave Phoenix, essentially dooming it to inactivity) to join Inquisition since it would of felt like selling-out. In fact, if I can't rescue TL;DR from activity checks returning to Phoenix would genuinely be a consideration for me, admittedly not a big one since I am not a moronic nut job but still a viable option.

I still need to look a bit more into what the fuck just happened so I actually know what is going on.

Also, Ele why was I leader? I was a normal member of a thriving official clan when I left the forum and when I came back I was a leader of a dead one. Usually it takes me at least a month to have that effect on clans (see Squad1* (was Anonymous before it died) for point of reference).

*Please note that the cliche messages I wrote on the clan page were intended to be ironic, I sucked at humour back then (probably still do).
Last edited by Zelda; Jun 14, 2015 at 05:39 PM. Reason: disabled smileys+removed decision which has now been revised.
Good morning sweet princess