Endurance Onslaught 6.0
You can hold out Jisse, you're an awesome dude from what I gather on your posts, and we need more people like you. Depression is a big issue, I recently lost one of my closest friends due to it. Still scars me. They were the best person I knew, but they had problems, and slit their own throat. What always takes my mind of depressing things isnt kittens or that stuff (although they are super cuddly) but listening to a shit-your-pants scary story. Always makes me paranoid so bad that I forget everything else xD

But all things aside, life is a great thing, and if it makes you feel better, a lot of people in this community love and cherish you. Don't leave us please c:
Also known as CombatBot
I'm not in ORMO, and I'm new to replay making, but this doesn't make me respect you any less. In fact, I respect you much more. To spend so much time mastering parkour, spar, and replay making doesn't make me just respect you as a player, it makes me respect you as a person. This may be just a game, but its not to some people. People like you and me. The ones who have a chunk of there life dedicated to toribash. Stick with Toribash. Improve your skills. Focus on THIS game until the day comes where you feel that YOU mean something. I sincerely wish you luck. Suicide is always a touchy topic, yet it isn't for me. I regulary think about suicide and could be qualified as ''depressed," but I've never come close to touching anything life-threatening during those times. I know, that if I were to bring a knife to my throat, I WOULD matter. Think long and hard about that shit. How would your fucking parents, who spent years, and years, taking care of you, feel if you just went out. How would your friends feel? How would YOU feel if you lost a friend you had spent years with. The friend you visited whenever you could. How would you feel, if you lost the people who spent years upon years taking care of YOU so YOU would succeed.

I couldn't live with it. Actually, I could. Do you know why? I would know suicide wouldn't be what they wanted.

I don't know what the biggest reason for your depression is, but I want you to fight through it. Life is a beautiful thing, but even it has its flaws. We all do. We learn to live with them.

Holy shit I'm mega ranting.

Anyways, Jisse, don't do it. If you ever come so close, that you're about to do it, I want you to come to me. I don't care if you don't think people can't help you. I'll certainly fucking try.

EDIT: I saw he got help. My rant was bloody useless

Last edited by Jaxon; Mar 29, 2015 at 11:36 PM.
I'm just gamin' man
Jisse, I wish you the best of luck in what people call "getting better" I really do. For those who play this game you have been an inspiration to them, you even inspired me. For a long time, even now I still suffer from depression and sleepless nights but for me it has gotten a lot better. I am currently attending a college and I've made friends in a whole new country (I moved to England..) but anyhow, I hope you stay strong because if you were never here or if you never stay, the community could change.. the players could change. We personally haven't spoken much at all, we've had a few short conversations in the past and you seem like an amazing person so I really hope you start getting things back on track and keep that train rolling. (Great metaphors) seriously, you were an inspiration to me and so we're others. You got me into sparring, I got good at it too.. faced amazing people like you also. I really hope you can one day be okay jisse.

My apologies for you having to go through this, knowing it is tough I honestly wish that you could feel happy in life and not troubled. I love you buddy.
hey, even if this doesn't mean shit to you, i have gotten many laughs out of this guy. whether you are down, or just bored, this guy cheers me up.
Hey Jiss, we haven't talked in a while, hope you cheer up. I've been kinda the same for a few years now, does hurt not gonna lie about that but we care.
I know I'm not in ORMO, I apologize, but I care for Jisse. Even if he has forgotten about me.
I don't exist
jiss i would just like to say that you are what inspired me to become a replay maker im not very good but im getting better you were my inspiration and 2nd favorite person in the mocucha vids gotta be honest i like largekilla .5 points more than you but thats besides the point i love your replays and it's i'll miss you even though you never knew me and i never knew you you were still a big part of my life good luck (i actually cried a little wile amking this post thats how much you mean to me
As much as I like seeing all the support for jisse here, I think I'm gonna go ahead and close this down. I think its run its course and its not directly related to ORMO really
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~