Okay so:
1. Never heard of Ill Nino, but I checked them out and honestly didn't like 'em after first song. "Nu-metal" is not my kinda thing. After half a minute I realized I dislike 'em. Just not my taste.

2. rofl, a day to remember, I used to listen to them a lot when I was younger, nowadays they annoy me mostly but still I sometimes launch a bunch of songs from their 2009~ish album
I don't think I enjoyed the rest of songs, I'm allergic to rock-ish songs

3. Awesome. Then again, Liquicity so it's already a quality brand, but still it's even better than I expected.


I don't think I'll be able to continue my streak of listenable metal, but I'll try

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Awesome Jtank. The music you post usually does sound like gang-rape of animals in a huge trash field. But that song is actually really enjoyable

Your jam?

lovin it. When summer comes back I'm gonna search for the songs alike that .. and like the whitest boy alive, still my summer tune

So good

one for you Jtank

I'm gonna be egoistic and not comment on all of your posts. Some of them I heard, but mostly they weren't to my taste. (Looking at you, KnatJ).

Also in the HM2 Soundtrack. The crescendo in the end is just absolutely fucking stunning and I can't get enough of it. Best track of the bunch in the game.
I can finally be hipster as fuck and say I knew Carpenter Brut before Hotline 2. Love the dude's stuff. His new EP is gonna be out soon-ish too I think.
Yea, I dun like metalcore with some exceptions. 'll listen to the track later.

Now I'ma post ugly terrible metuhl to spite nobuddie.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos