Original Post
mod in the TB mod spotlight banner? + can I ask another artist to resize my head?
Hey, got two questions that need answering. Thought I'd combine them into one thread, even though they're completely unrelated.

1. What's the mod in the TORIBASH MOD SPOTLIGHT banner at the top of the page?

2. I got a head made for me (128x) a while ago, but I want a remake in 512x. Is it legal for me to go to a DIFFERENT artist to get my head remade, but in a different size? I can't get a hold of the original artist.
Boerhae, making a glorious return!
1. It's called along the lines of msds.
2. It'd be a good idea to talk to the original artist first.
Valterain1 was defeated by hermaphrodite on Oct 17, 2015.
Originally Posted by Valterain1 View Post
2. It'd be a good idea to talk to the original artist first.

Read please.
Originally Posted by Boerhae View Post
I can't get a hold of the original artist.

Anyway, if you officially own it, then you can do as you like with it.
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
Originally Posted by Boerhae View Post
Hey, got two questions that need answering. Thought I'd combine them into one thread, even though they're completely unrelated.

1. What's the mod in the TORIBASH MOD SPOTLIGHT banner at the top of the page?

2. I got a head made for me (128x) a while ago, but I want a remake in 512x. Is it legal for me to go to a DIFFERENT artist to get my head remade, but in a different size? I can't get a hold of the original artist.

I'm pretty sure the question has been answered, but just to clarify, the mod in the banner above is msds.tbm. As for the remake, I'm pretty sure that the textures resize to 512 when you upload it anyways, you wouldnt need to resize it. (It may be a bit pixelated though possibly.)
If youre asking about redoing the head as the same exact thing with a different artist personally i think of it as a sort of plagiarism. Of course you bought the head so its ultimately up to you what you do with it.
Last edited by Mystery; Feb 27, 2015 at 02:14 PM.
Read the [read me] sticky before posting a thread.

Originally Posted by marcus View Post
When making a thread, the title should reflect upon the question you want answered. No more 'help', 'i have a question', or '?' titled threads. The title will be edited and the thread maker warned.

I will edit this time for you, but if you do it again you may receive a infraction.
R.I.P. [Sigma] and (team waifu)