Originally Posted by MrJingles1 View Post
Came back and saw this, in all its splendor.

I'm wondering if coming back was the right decision

Probably not.
There's not much going on anyway.
Better focus on the university stuffz.
Originally Posted by hipotibor View Post
Probably not.
There's not much going on anyway.
Better focus on the university stuffz.

Nah, just had to have a couple weeks of studying in for exams. I'm not going anywhere, for better or worse idrk haha

Also Ocean, I'm a grade 12 at Regina Mundi Catholic College. (its a highschool, why it says college idfk.) And I got accepted into into Western University, so gonna be good times form now on. I hope.
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They don't do that in Catholic schools. Source: I went to one for elementary school. Then again there were no male teachers to begin with. They did, however, ram Jesus, and the Bible down your throat.

Also most, if not all the kids who went to the same elementary school as me ended up to become stoners.
Last edited by Rfifan; Feb 1, 2015 at 09:32 PM.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
They don't do that in Catholic schools. Source: I went to one for elementary school. Then again there were no male teachers to begin with. They did, however, ram Jesus, and the Bible down your throat.

Also most, if not all the kids who went to the same elementary school as me ended up to become stoners.

Pretty much this, but with more penis touching
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