Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
TK League?
This Org is kinda inactive, but I would like to pitch an old idea that from my knowledge hasn't fully had a lot of success.

A TK league (TK,ErthTK)
Comprise of 4 members
Team must win best of (ex: 2/3 or 3/5)
Tie breaker is sudden death one game winner takes all.

Point format:
Winning Team 2 points
Losing team 1 point

Unable to Finish results in team with most amount of wins at the time victory.

Top four teams advance, plays tourney style elimination, winner takes all.

These rules can be critique however, but I would like to make the Org active again.
How do you want to execute this? Within the org or is it open to everyone who is able to play TK or ErthTK outside the org?
master of the universe
Well there are quite a few ppl who play both TK and ErthTK, but I rather have it be a org concentrated thing to get it more active again. Those who wish to join would be more than welcome, only thing that we ask is that they join the Org before they join the league. Since there is no say in who gets in, as long as they apply on the application thread, their in. I'm just trying to get a bigger TK community from an idea like this.
This would be fantastic any TK event would be brilliant. If lots of people support this and something starts to happen I would be happy to donate TC towards the prize fund.
I think that would be fantastic. I would really like to make an actual community committed to this seeing that its very organized and structured having ppl fully invested in its growth.
great idea for an event.

I would recommend making it public, since the org isn't too active. If you make it public it could draw in people to apply for Oot. And bring activity up.
Well what are some ways I can reach out to the community to get a bigger crowd into this? I feel doing an event would be great. But down the line establish a league.
It's gonna be difficult gathering the entire TK League (At least, if it's based on this org) to participate in the tournament. Let alone how many outsiders would want to join seeing as the only thing they're after are the TC/prizes in spite of the mod choice.
master of the universe
Good point. Well we can switch the focus to organizing consistent TK events, to obtain more of a community and move from there if people would like to help assist.