Original Post
Butterfly Kick - Taekwondo
Hi this is my first post. :P
I go to Taekwondo and I have tried for a long time to make the Butterfly kick in Toribash but I yet havent succeeded.
I need YOUR help... well basicly anyone who can manage to make it look kinda real...

Yours Faithfully,

Bruce Lee
Re: Butterfly Kick - Taekwondo

Someone with an intelligent first post and a question in the right place to ask the right question...

I think we'll get along nicely here... anyways... I've never tried to make too realistic of a move, the gravity in Toribash just doesn't allow for it... or maybe it's the friction... but anyways, maybe someone else could help you here...
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Re: Butterfly Kick - Taekwondo
Hey dude i would definetly want to help you with this just tell me what the kick looks like and i'll try my best
Re: Butterfly Kick - Taekwondo
Thanks Crys ., but the first "kick" you see at wikipedia is mean to go over the head of the "Uke" and then the second foot kicks the "Uke". So first you spin over the head w2ith one leg, then kick the "Uke" with the other one :P

Bruce Lee :P
Re: Butterfly Kick - Taekwondo
Good job its almost just the same as in real life!
But ofcourse its impossible to do the same in Toribash as in real life

Bruce Lee