I used to play a lot but it got boring after a few months. I might get into it again if a few of you guys are playing. We should make an inq guild.
bananananananananaananananananannanaa delicious
So uh...

I may or may not have played this game a little too much when I should've been playing league xD.

I'm not playing anymore though. Game got too boring after a while.
Have anything for sale Huck? ;O
Awesome equips. I'm trying to get Pyra right now, but I have yet to get tombs down.
Tombs are too easy. They used to be harder when they came out. In fact the game was so much better pre-pets, and when you couldn't max life or mana. Now everyone relies on their pets and it ruins the actual difficulty of the game.

I'm trying to sell my acct actually, but I don't know anyone who will buy it (I have 200 life stored xD).
That sucks . I've got like, 9 dbows (not kidding).

I'd be selling it for at least $300 I think. I have a legendary pet and a bunch of rares, plus the life pots, plus maxed characters, plus UTs, plus tops.
You lucky and or hard working bastard.
I'm going to be making a knight, last knight ended up being 7/8 with Acc/Dblade,Colo,CC Armor and Exa HP.
Any tips for tombs? I end up loosing too much hp before any of the bosses are dead and nexus.
Last edited by Aracoon; Aug 19, 2014 at 03:31 AM.
Max a rogue. In fact, if I feel up to it, maybe I'll max a rogue and do one with you.

But then again, I've been playing league so much, I don't really want to go back and play.

If you have a bone dagger, it'll help.
Don't ever use CC armor. Always feed it. Knights don't need extra def anyways. Also, you only need dblade on knight, I never use acclaim.

Tombing Tips n Tricks

1. Yellow, Blue, Green (for clean tomb)
2. If you want it to stay clean, play with others who know for sure how to keep it clean.
3. If bosses are clumped together, do not shoot. If you have a piercing shot, be very careful.
4. Do NOT bring an electric pet.
5. After killing a boss, shoot down the artifacts by shooting to the side of the next boss. Once most of the artifacts are down, go ahead and wake em up.

Classes for FFA: Necromancer, Priest, Assassin, Wizard, Archer, Huntress, Sorcerer, SORCERER, SORCERER
Classes for clean group: Rogue, ninja, knight, trickster, warrior, pally
Classes for solo: Rogue, trickster, ninja

Is there a particular situation in which you have to nexus? A specific boss? Nut Rage? Geb Rage? (Bes is a pussy)
Last edited by Huck; Aug 19, 2014 at 06:48 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump