Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Clan Mod, GameMaster, Uniteam, Tori-Agent Trial, High ranking space detective in hanz0's Space Police organization, Top 16 in World Championships 2011, I'm in #hi
Last edited by Faint; Jul 29, 2014 at 11:25 PM.
Oh didn't see this somehow.

-Ex PromoTeam Lead (hosting section)
-Unibash (clan) cofounder and Ex Uniteam Leader, helped with its transition into org and then into the begginer's section.
-Ex Gamemasters leader.
-Item forger
-Tribe member
Damn I have things to post here now.


Teal Gamemaster, Brazilian Toribash Organization Leader, Team Aikido Leader, Toribash Brasil group Manager. Purple belt (3rd kyu) in real life Judo and can stand still by hours holding an old and heavy Carbine M1. :v
Last edited by iver; Jan 25, 2015 at 04:54 AM.