Original Post

18th Century London. 12 July. 1841

The age that was...
The age of misery...

You find yourself staring out the same window, each and every morning. Rain drips down the multi-story apartment complex and onto your flowers, the flowers that could've grown charming but were choked by the industrial ash of the Moor-Mouth Factory, over by the port. You've had your fair share of opportunities in that place, each laid to waste. You sigh in frustration. It's time for change. This city is rotten to the core and you WON'T rot with it. Throwing on the first fit of clothing that isn't dirty you set off into the roaring storm.

Past Profession :
Personality : (just a little something so I'd know how your personage would act)
Inventory : (something smallish, maybe sentimental value)
Centuries Of Damn
Name: Dekka
Gender: Female
Past profession: Assassin/hitman (lol)
Personality: Very secretive about her inner thoughts, feelings, and true personality. Keeps a cold/distant exterior. Analytical, calculating and composed. Used to be an emotional and carefree person until her profession and background hardened her (sometimes that part of her comes out but rarely) ALSO GAY
Inventory: Two uniquely shaped, sharpened daggers that she keeps under her clothes just in case. A pack of cigarettes. A locket around her neck with pictures of her parents.
Last edited by fluffykat; Jul 12, 2014 at 12:16 AM.
Name: Alexandra Piper
Gender: Guuuuuurrl
Past Profession: Steam locomotive mechanic
Personality: Somewhat tomboy-ish, partially due to her parents having wanted a son and hence raised her largely as such.
Despite having been around steam locomotives for several years she often flinches around loud noises. She gets nervous easily and isn't too good at reading people.
Inventory: Wrench, gotta have a wrench.
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Name: James Miller
Gender: Male
Past Profession: Detective
Personality: Used to be full of life and ambition but from all the years in the police force experiencing terrible crimes and crooked people he has become desensitized and detached. Getting older and doubtful of his abilities. Has odd humorous quips here and there as a sign of the dying idealist inside.
Inventory: Locket given to him by a little girl in a case involving her mother being murdered. He found the mother's killer but not before the little girl was also taken and murdered. He keeps it as the last thing that keeps him going.
18th Century London. 12 July. 1841

Dekka stood in the door frame of the building, sheltered by a thin stall cover, rain still pouring heavily. It was time to meet old family she thought. Gray Skin, the patron. He used to own the Hang Maid bar over by the butchery but no word came from him in little over a decade. Last Dekka heard from him she was still a fledgling teenager with rosy cheeks. She pulled out a cig and lit it, exhaling sharply at the sight of Ms.Carter and her ear to ear shit-eating smile. Dekka nodded in response and began making her way to the Hang Maid. The bar was a mess. The wooden floor was swollen and pieces were missing. Harsh lighting drew dramatic shadows over the face of sailors and factory workers s'well. Dekka approached the burly man at the bar, inquiring about the patron. "None of ya' business lass. Want a drink ?" "Look- he and I go way back and I need to see h-" the barman waved you off. "All of ya say the same thing."

The fumes over Moor-Mouth Factory raised through the unending waves of rain. Alexandra Piper scratched her eyebrow for a moment before standing up. "The boiler's busted, I guess it was hard debris, pierced all the way through." Walter, the supervisor peeked at her with a stupefied look. Alexandra hated him. He didn't know jack about trains, he was employed only due to his father's kind words which indeed, could take one far in this city. "That's what I thought when I saw it..Can you fix it ?" he asked. Alexandra grimaced, this was the fifth train entrusted for maintenance to her this week, pushing her to the limits of physical and mental exhaustion. "What are you staring at me for ? Get working. Ain't no money for slackers." Alexandra crossed the supervisor's path and grabbed a wrench. "Get off my back, will ya' ?" she muttered. Walter stomped over and yanked her shoulder. "Did you just say something ?"

James Miller pushed open the door only to be met by two guards. "Hello sir, do you have a moment ?" James suppressed a yawn and nodded. "There was a murder in this bloc and we are seeking potential witnesses d-" "I was sleeping. I didn't see shit." the officer opened his mouth to say something but James closed the door and pulled the bolt-lock. The murder of Lisandra Dovery happened days ago, as always the street is more alert than the office will ever be. It was little past midnight and with his sleep robbed, James pulled on a coat and headed for the closest thing to a safe heaven. The Hang Maid. Hatter, the barman greeted him with a cheesy smile. "Long nite huh ?" James groaned and collapsed on one of the stools. "The officials are around taking interviews." Hatter appeared with a glass of whiskey and placed in in front of James. "I kno', they scared half my clients away those fuckers !"
Through his cloudy vision James could see a young woman walking in the bar. "Mr. Gray Skin, is he here ?" "None of ya' business lass...” the conversation between Hatter and the girl is going nowhere.

:3 If you have any questions/want to ask about a possible course of action for your turn go ahead.
Dekka keeps a cold composure with a hint of threat in her voice
She tells the bartender that all she wants is information on where to find him and that she really doesn't want to have to start any trouble.

((u know what would be cool? if that lisandra dovery was assassinated by Dekka and was like some sort of underground criminal. also am I doing this right))