seems like I have to buy Dark Souls now
@danny: for the most recent games, I enjoyed the story of GTA V. It's not very big or surprising, but it's decent and nicely done.
and if you're looking for a shooter with a nice story check out the Gears of War series, it's pretty awesome in my opinion.
Is it just me or does Count always recommend Gears of War
I have 1, 3 and Judgment. Don't have 2 for some reason...

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in fact I do because I really love the series, but for some reason I didn't manage to play the second one yet (maybe because it is banned in my country and I'll have to import it from the UK - in my opinion the best european country for importing games since it's often faster and cheaper than the swiss or austrian imports)
Nevertheless I think that Gears of War 3 was the best one so far, 1 was pretty good too. But for Judgment I'm not really sure. I played it and it was okay, but it didnt rly give me the true "Gears-feeling" like the others did, but therefor the story was very interesting.

Anyway, someone here playing other interesting games and can recommend some?
I'm guessing the "true Gears feeling" is in Marcus or something

Dragon Age Inquisition is coming out

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
I am a huge fan of the Gears series and the Dragon Age series.

I have played all of the gears games but Judgement. I heard it is basically like the first gears but from Baird's perspective. I loved the campaign of the first game, and I feel for multiplayer the first game is also the best. I have the limited edition of each game, and in the second I hit level 100 in multiplayer. I played 3 for a while, but then my xbox account got ban so I kinda just stopped playing after I lost all of my achievements and special items I got.

Dragon Age:
Although I bought the first two games less than 6 months ago, I beat both games will all the characters. I originally bought the Dragon Age Ultimate edition that came with all of the dlc. The first Dragon age was so much better than the second. The story was great, and the gameplay was a lot better than the second. I did find both games enjoyable, and I would gladly play them again. I hope that the new Dragon Age is better than the second, but if is close to the same I will not be disappointed.

If you guys have and xbox and want to play a game with me, just shoot me a pm or ask for my gamertag on the forum.
A hasbeen like the rest
Ahh Dragon age... Isabela and Morrigan... hands down

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
Did you ever play through the campaign more than once? If so, what is your favorite class. No matter the game, I love to use a character than possesses some form of magic. I had to go with the mage. I was not that big on the rogue character.
A hasbeen like the rest
Well, in every RPG game I always choose Rogue. But, DA is the only game I played twice, so I used two classes for both DAs. I liked the Rogue in Origins. It was fun to use. In 2, I'm torn between Mage and Rogue. I love the skills of Rogue but Mage is fun to use.

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.
I found that the mages actions in DA 2 were a little odd. They also caused you to cast spells slower.
I think that the spells in DA 1 were a lot better, but the staffs were better in DA 2.

What campaign was your favorite? I personally like DA 1.
A hasbeen like the rest
DA 1 was clearly better. It was over a large area, instead of just one city and its surrounding areas in DA 2. And also, its story made me feel like I was helping a lot of people. In DA 2, it was like I just needed to defeat a woman on her period and it was called saving one city.

For me, the mages in DA 1 attack too slow to my liking...

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I'm not a nerd. I'm a gamer.