Wow, hayz has a lot of time on his hand.
In the darkness of life what can we behold,
But the matter of truth that cannot be told?
Originally Posted by ZeroAltae View Post
Wow, hayz has a lot of time on his hand.

You don't even know how much.
Let's just say I've finished a visual novel with a run of 6/7 hours done in almost a day..
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
I don't.
They're from a comic called "The Li'l Depressed Boy" created by Steven Struble and Sina Grace. I'm quite the follower for some time now and as you can see, I do enjoy the looks of the main character. Both avatars are a cut of some comics... Just seemed appropriated to me to use them as avatars, that's all.

Thinking about it... I may have not given the appropriate rights to the authors but I also don't plan in claiming as art of mine anyway.

So yeah... Now you know.
Also for those interested:

Edit 2:
You might have made that question for Hacks... Probably, now that I thought.
Well... At least you get to know more than one answer.
And that's good, right?
Last edited by Hayz; Apr 17, 2014 at 02:58 AM.
underground shelter with windows of a sunny day
always ~
I love Hacks' Avatar *^*
Weaboo's for life!
That little girl belt tho.
In the darkness of life what can we behold,
But the matter of truth that cannot be told?
Originally Posted by ZeroAltae View Post
I love Hacks' Avatar *^*
Weaboo's for life!
That little girl belt tho.

wow that