Originally Posted by hanz0 View Post
Here's a new texture set I made for gman80. I particularly like the hands, myself.

(Note: I provided the link 'coz the actual image is rather large.)

Dragon Hands FTW! Great idea, and excellently executed!
Yes to Novitech, and Gorman too, he has alot of potential. Keep working on your texture skills.

Hanz0: O_O I LOVE THOSE BLAZING EYES!! And nice little 'dragon' chinese character there, how'd you make the light rays? The scales are nice too.
hanz0, the idea is brilliant for that set, the right eye is epic!!
the rest i find... boring unfortunatly... hands are a bit blurred(might just be the screenie) and that background of them are a bit plain...
just my oppinion though
chances are its just the flatness of avwaves previewer or the demon force thats getting to me
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
We usually mail in the application forms.

Just send me a self addressed stamped envelope with a print of your textures in A4 size.
Originally Posted by avwave View Post
We usually mail in the application forms.

Just send me a self addressed stamped envelope with a print of your textures in A4 size.


And he took it seriously. XD
...or were we NOT joking? Never mind.

...but looking at Nasuke's avi..well..
Originally Posted by joonveen View Post
...but looking at Nasuke's avi..well..

Seems pretty stock to me... =P
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
I mean the texture, not the..animation..>_>

So who likes my avi? :P Stupid size limit is killing me.
Last edited by joonveen; Oct 7, 2008 at 07:02 PM.
My avy is nothing just nub brushes. Im new to textures but i'm no noob at general art.
I made a set of my own witch is this

And im working on a arthas set with Hanz0.

As for general art here's my photobucket(i dont do 3D anymore like in the album)

Edit: The latest heads kinda suck im learning the technique that Hanz0, Nightmare, BenDover use but It seems I'm not pretty good at it
Last edited by Nasuke; Oct 7, 2008 at 07:47 PM.