Original Post
Trouble in Terrorist Town!
Do any of you guys actually Play TTT? Worst/Best moments.

A guy is saying to his friends "hey lets go kill the afks"

Now why would you kill an inno just to lose karma?
obvious T is being obvious

I end up killing him and he whines for 30 minutes about RDM when it was blatantly obvious

He tells me "Leave the server kid youre complaining" When I actually was telling him my thought process. so he would ultimately stop bitching.

He puts his mega RDM fedora on and kills me every round for no reason and I have no real players to kill him, his friends watched him do it and let him live.

tl;dr most people on TTT are asshats
Trouble in terroist town is very enjoyable from time to time, I find it immature at times, but, other than that it's a wonderful game
Originally Posted by Mwah View Post
more like trouble in micspam county

you cant go anywhere on Gmod without micspam. Gmod without micspam is like mcdonalds with no fat women and shame.
Originally Posted by Mzebra View Post
you cant go anywhere on Gmod without micspam. Gmod without micspam is like mcdonalds with no fat women and shame.

you summed up fast food, what a scholar you are!
Originally Posted by McNuggets View Post
you summed up fast food, what a scholar you are!

thank you
Back to the subject at hand, I dont need another Offtopic post getting sall of hamed again.

gimme stories
This is GMOD, wich is a game it self, if you can't find a GMOD thread, make it.
Also, if you do not know how to make a proper game thread, read the stickies or just check out the other (not closed) ones.

I'll close this.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert