Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[TN] Who is Who: Dargon

Why hello there, my decent fellow Toribash friends.
Here with us is a very interesting person who influenced the toribash community greatly over the past couple of years without ever really being in the center of attention. We are about to change that to give him some credit he deserves. Welcome Dargon!

<jusmi> Hey Dargon, nice to see you being up that late to answer some questions. Let's talk about how you got started in Toribash in the first place. How did you come across Toribash, and what was your first impression on it?

<Dargon> Oh we're discussing about ancient history now?
I think I stumpled upon Toribash in late 2006, while searching for freeware games in ye olde jonneweb.
(For non-Finn readers, it's a site which lists freeware games, codes etc) I installed it and got hooked. And here I still am, after all these years.

<jusmi> Ah, yes. Toribash does that.... Traps you for years.... Ahem, anywho. What was your first clan like?

<Dargon> There are two sure things in life: Death and Taxes. Back in the day DAT was actually pretty much exactly same as most clans are today. Bunch of people socializing and playing videogame together. Great times.
<jusmi> I am sure i am not the only one curious, but how did you come up with "Dargon" as your user name?

<Dargon> I miss typed Drago-, nah. Back then names weren't account but reg-key bound and I played few games on friend's computer so my nickname was tied to his reg-key and I had to come up with another one.
I got "D'Ar'G'on" out of some random fantasy name generator, and it kinda got stuck due to, well, how do you even pronounce that? Sadly forum nor game did support "'" so I had to roll with Dargon. :P . The rest is history.

<jusmi> Hmm, very interesting story. So, what is your view/opinion on the community today vs the old community you came up in? Do you think it's better, or worse?

<Dargon> Don't really know about "better" and "worse" really. Back then the community was tighter knit than it is today. Mostly due to how there weren't so many of us. Everyone kinda knew eachother (this still applies, but to a lesser extend) and stuff. Gotta admit that we were pretty stupid back then, so nothing has really changed, most if us just have grown older and are remembering "THE GOLDEN AGE" throught rose tinted goggles.. :P

<jusmi> So, you must have some hobbies outside of Toribash. Care to name a few, and perhaps how you got into them?

<Dargon> Oh boy. Didn't expect this question. I have quite a few, even tho some of you will probably have hard time believing it. I do everything from Martial arts to photographing and fishing. Basically I try everything that interests me. Latelly I've been mostly tabletopping and airsofting on my "free" time.

<jusmi> Oh, those sound like fun. So, back to Toribash. You're known as one of the best Taekkyon players around. How did you get so good, and do you have any tips to share?

<Dargon> Finding Imsku and getting him to beat you few thousand times is a good start. Best tip I can give is: "Don't get hit!" Mostly I'd encourage you to play TK and learning what works and learn what doesn't and how players and toris react to different things.

<jusmi> Do you play any other mods that you consider yourself to be good at?

<Dargon> I don't really consider myself that good. I might might've been "good" in my prime, but that's long past. I've dueled in Aikido, ADB and Wushu, and I'd like to think that I've made more than I've lost. I guess I'm decent in those mods.

<jusmi> So, i suppose we should close out with a few words of inspiration. Is there anything you'd like to say to newer users about getting ahead in Toribash?

<Dargon> Play the darn game. No, really. Play it and learn what works, how it works and what's most important: WHY IT WORKS. When you figure that out you're golden.

<jusmi> Awesome. Well thank you very much for the interview Dargon, now get some sleep!

<Dargon> Thanks, it was my pleasure.

Last edited by Tinerr; Jan 28, 2014 at 11:18 PM.
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