Originally Posted by kameron View Post
Pff, nub.
No school ever cause dropped out cause stoopid.

I joke. Though I am stupid, that's not why I dropped out. Couldn't deal with all the retards and bullies on top of mental health issues.


r u alrite
alright guy
Originally Posted by Maylene View Post
Oh, but, it will.
Also, no school tomorrow 'cause holiday.

Due to our bullshit "snow day" we had to make up for it.
God I hate texas.

hasn't even snowed once for the whole of winter in Wales
gg weather, gg.
Last edited by Lmorti; Feb 20, 2014 at 04:58 PM.
Been a while.
I'm being at work and doing adult stuff, etc.
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
Originally Posted by Arthur View Post
Been a while.
I'm being at work and doing adult stuff, etc.

adult stuff?


at work?

you are a dirty little man
alright guy
Originally Posted by Yoki View Post
Due to our bullshit "snow day" we had to make up for it.
God I hate texas.

We got 1.5 feet of snow here in Virginia, which is crazy because school closes when there is 2 inches lol

and college doesn't do make-up days, I took my midterm yesterday when we've only had 5 or 6 of the classes total
1.5 feet? That's like heaven to us.
This year we got nothing but fucking ICE.
They closed schools cause apparently the roads were frozen or some shit.
Also there was like, "hail" the size a BB pelets