Originally Posted by Scanttante View Post
So hi all you awesome RelaxAll members I’m Zach or Scanttante I know RelaxAll is a really good clan and I’m interested to join I’m 11 I know that is young but I’m really looking to get into a good clan I’ve been trying to work my way up there and I’m getting there but this is best I’ve seen so far I’m sorta good at wushu mushu but good at ninutsu rk_mma and a little bit jousting I’m really active I play close to 5-6 hours a day if I can on weekends I’m on all day and if I need to learn more wushu because your standards don't reach my skill level I will try my best and do my best to get better and get above and beyond the expectation I will never break any rules never do anything bad for the toribash community or the RelaxAll clan/community I will try my best to earn the title of RelaxAll and if I don't make it I know I’m not worthy for the tag but if I get it I know that RelaxAll thinks I have the attitude and dedication of the tag RelaxAll I know I do not have a lot of posts on the forums but I can and will get more active without spam to grow the RelaxAll community RelaxAll is the tag of a god and will make me try my best do my best to accomplish the goals of RelaxAll I know I’m taking on a lot in this post but I know I can do it all with dedication and my wanting to get into RelaxAll and also I'm a black belt with 3 years of experience but I forgot one of my account passwords and had to reset I'm good friends with some of the RelaxAll members. I dont have any replays but like it says only if you are willing to learn it. I am 100% ready to learn and will take any advice from anyone to help me improve to get better and to grow as a RelaxAll member

Didn't even get past the 1st line... Punctuation, motherfucker, can you use it?
Originally Posted by Scanttante View Post
Dude with this app it shows I will try my best to do anything I can to get in.

No matter how hard you try, you won't age faster than 1 year / year.
As far as Saji goes, it's a no for now. Reason why it took so long is because we were hoping to see some quicker improvement in your gameplay during that time. You might be alright as a person, but the gates are closed for now ;d Try again later.
But why's the rum gone? :v
so....what's bad in my gameplay?...
i can come back fast.....and in close combat i always get as much points as it is possible...
Reason to join [RelaxAll]
Hey people of [RelaxAll]. I'm Carlo Quitorio, a.k.a. Tyson980, I'm 13 years old but I'm mature for my age because well... im not an idiot. I've been playing Toribash since January 2013 and I'm a 3rd Dan Black Belt. I've been in clans before like RXP, Mavrick, and Wind. My best mods are, Wushu1-Wushu3, Brushu, Ninjutzu (or however you spell it), and Mushu (even though it's bullshit). I'm active in game but on the forums don't expect a lot from me. I also never break the rules and I've never been banned. I can be supportive and very defensive towards me and my friends. I hope this is enough to convince you to let me join the legendary [RelaxAll] clan.


Attached Files
#Tyson- Crane Kick.rpl (57.7 KB, 6 views)
decap in akido.rpl (30.3 KB, 6 views)
split in wushu.rpl (40.8 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by k6vamees; Dec 6, 2013 at 04:36 PM. Reason: Forgot Replays.
By defensive I mean that if some one makes fun of them or me I will make them appologize so they don't feel bad. Or I might make them eat shit when we fight...
Originally Posted by Tyson980 View Post
By defensive I mean that if some one makes fun of them or me I will make them appologize so they don't feel bad. Or I might make them eat shit when we fight...


Well try to find us in-game and play with us so we can get a feel for you.
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