Swexx please post a replay and/or make a tutorial on the run you used in Mocucha's video "Swexx Clubbed to Death" at 2:00
Here is a link to that video:
Please Respond.
Last edited by gd05; Nov 7, 2013 at 11:14 PM.
laborpain.rpl nice stuff man. really nice booms. And for some reason I just couldnt tell what gravity this is. It looks like its -30 for some reason.I'd give this replay a solid 8 out of 10.
ps try being bit more fluid and you'll be rocking
pps waiting for comments sure is pain in the ass, eh?
i dont even know what im doing anymore.
ill focus on movement later this is just me being gross
Attached Files
Internet - Spoiled crickets.rpl (332.8 KB, 39 views)
Last edited by Internet; Dec 25, 2013 at 10:55 PM.
The opener and dms were the only good thing about this replay.
Everything else was either generic and super simple, garbage movement, garbage dms, e.t.c.

Also, the very beginning opener movement was weird.
Still, I like the opener.
Make a headspin manop pls