Teague talks a lot, whenever he has something to talk about, same with oz.
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.
Originally Posted by LaSer38 View Post
not neccesary i think if aakash or oz or teague or gamer want to say something they will do. a active clan don't need to spam is dsc.

they don't really post everytime but when they do it's for a good reason ;)

luv u froggy

Anyway, Met, whatchu post this time?
Same question here.

What happened, Metri? (Assuming that you're now unbanned and reading this post.)

Also, I saw that you're part of the "Philippines" social group, Oz.

Are you really one of my kababayan? 'Cuz if you are, I swear to Oprah that I'm gonna ... celebrate in my mind by myself, I guess.

Can you speak the language?

More importantly, though ...

Do you know how to swear in Tagalog?

It'd be awesome if you do.

I have a lot of Filipino mates who were born and raised in Australia and have recently moved back here. They're adjusting really well to the culture, but they identify as Australian.
I can speak some Tagalog, just common words like hello etc etc..
And yeah, my cousins taught me how to swear in Tagalog.
That's typical in any Filipino household. My cousins were the ones who taught me how to swear in Tagalog too.

Speaking of which, in what city/town in Australia do you live in, Oz?

After I finish my pre-law studies here in the Philippines, I'm planning on moving to Australia (Melbourne, to be exact; my eldest sister and her family reside there) to study Law. I'm thinking about going to either Monash or the University of Melbourne.

Maybe once I adjust and start to settle, I can come over to your place and visit you sometime.
Okay, so, what did I do? I gave 2 harsh opinions in the texture-selling departament. I know I shouldn't have done that, but my eyes bleed when I see a set, that is just a bunch of shapes smacked on a white background, with a yellow-black background. Also recycled textures for the legs and arms. That really gets to me you know. And afterwards it resulted in a 24h ban.

I deserved it. I knew I shouldn't do that.

Last edited by Metriakon; Sep 13, 2013 at 11:17 PM.
Welcome back, Metri. It's good that you're aware that what you did is wrong. Not many people in our age bracket have the maturity necessary to admit fault.

Also, hot damn! Those are some pretty sweet GFXs, Metri.

Being iemagazine's de facto art apprentice sure does give off dividends, doesn't it?
Last edited by Trick; Sep 14, 2013 at 12:03 AM.
Well, that's nice, u know that you've made something wrong, anyway, welcome back man. Btw, you've made these arts? it's amazing...